Why Battle Medic is my favorite class

  Today Medic announced a fun initiative for anyone who’d like to write two themed articles; one on which class is their favorite and one on their least favorite. And I would be remiss not to bring up the class I find more fun to play than all nine from TF2. The Combat Medic from TFC has an unparalleled mix of mobility, firepower, and health regeneration that makes him truly unlike any other class from either game. As this old article goes into detail on, his primary job is to send himself flying through the air with conc grenades deep into… [Continue Reading]

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Why I hate Engineers

Ok, this might come off as me being an salty Scout main, but I really hate Engineer as class.  And here’s why: 1. So easy to stack As I watch into the last point of Granary where there are 5 sentries just on the left of me, I start pondering “is this really balanced” and then proceed to back up so I don’t have to encounter this amount of stacking. Now I have no problem with Engineer countering me (in fact I like it when classes can be countered by another class and also itself especially if the countering body… [Continue Reading]

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