Gun Mettle Alchemist

Cross-post from my site at and SteamCommunity Guides – Gun Mettle Alchemist A fair amount of time has passed since the release of Gun Mettle. With it came a series of core mechanical changes that made the Engineer dynamic much different than it was in years past. Many of the changes reflect the modern state of the PvP meta–in which speed and mobility are emphasized above all else. Engineer was not alone in these changes. Speed and mobility based changes were also present for the Spy–namely the Dead Ringer & Big Earner. However, that is another article entirely. For now,… [Continue Reading]

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Conundrums of Philosophy

Crossposted from Steamcommunity guides For some time now I have played competitive TF2; primarily Engineer in Highlander. Not usually being on the front line has given me time to think, and time to observe the front lines. And now, I would like to share a few of those observations and beliefs. But, before I do, a quick clarification. This article is not meant to be an authority opinion on competitive play, but rather just an enthusiast. I seek to enlighten, not inform. This article is full of my perspective and opinion. Objectively speaking, none of it is right, nor is… [Continue Reading]

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An Engineer’s Guide to Engineering

As an Engineer main who has several seasons of competitive under his belt, I am often approached by numerous newcomer Engineer players with various questions such as “What loadout should I use?” or “Where should I build in the map X?”. I would love to say I know all the answers after all my time of playing, but the reality of it is–Engineering is dynamic. It can differ from Engineer to Engineer as well as their playstyle strengths and weaknesses. It can also differ from team support and team dynamics. When it comes down to it, between variables of the… [Continue Reading]

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