[Planetside 2] Searching For Saviors

Today, February 21st, is an important milestone in my Planetside 2 career. Exactly 10 years ago, I first donned my spandex and took my earliest steps onto Auraxis’ battle-scarred continents. I can’t remember much about those beginning days beyond what I chronicled in older articles. But without even knowing it, I’d unwittingly started what would eventually prove to be the longest and slowest grind I have ever attempted in a video game. Your Mission, Soldier In 2014, Daybreak Games added the Directives system into their MMOFPS to provide some rewards for mastering the various facets of combat. Now you could… [Continue Reading]

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Medic goes to Cyprus Comic Con: Day 2

Well, I got back an hour ago from our trip to and from Nicosia/Lefkosia and it was clear enough to see those dumb horrible Turkish flags painted on the Pentadaktyla mountains. I wasn’t going to write a blog post about today but I decided why not? I’m home early enough and I have to write my 500 words a day anyway, as well as jot down ideas for other articles. Today we decided to be a bit more casual in our costumes. I swapped my long sleeved top for a sleeveless one, ditched the stupid grenades and swapped my flamethrower… [Continue Reading]

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You know what’s making me the most angry right now with TF2? I’ve been unable to play Medic for the longest of times. There’s actually several reasons why. It’s not just the normal stuff. By normal stuff, you all know what I mean. The horrible team compositions consisting of nothing with more than 150 health. If you are lucky, you might find a Pyro scattered in the ruins of your base on defence, but Pyro aren’t the best when it comes to decent pockets for Medics to heal. That’s not to say that Pyros and Scouts aren’t bad pockets. The… [Continue Reading]

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Why Does Valve Keep Buffing Medic?

Do not buff Medic! No, seriously, don’t. That seems like an insane thing to say, considering I’ve been calling myself Medic, The Medic, BLU Medic and many other variations of the word for the past three or four years now, not to mention the fact that out of my 1700 hours of TF2, about 900 of them are as Medic. But hear me out for a moment. Medic is the most powerful class in the game. No one else has the pushing power capable of taking down sentries harmlessly. No one can stand in the way of an Ubercharged power… [Continue Reading]

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The Best Battle Medic Set

I’m sure you’ve been in my boots before. You’re playing with a team of complete morons. They’re not listening. You’ve tried everything. They just shoot walls and ignore both you and the objective. You’re sick and tired and you want to kill someone in the most humiliating and painful way possible. You want to go Battle Medicing. Yes, I use the term Battle Medic as a verb sometimes. It amuses me. Big problem though, Battle Medics are pretty much useless. We’re looking at a class completely not designed for fighting, picking him up by the scruff of his fancy lab… [Continue Reading]

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