Corpus Railjack Is Kinda Mediocre

I like Railjack. It’s not my favourite game mode, but I think it’s fun occasionally. While you can easily play in a group, it’s also perfectly fine while playing solo. However, there’s a good 50% of Railjack content that kinda sucks. I’m talking about Corpus Railjack missions. Because they really just aren’t very good. A Taxi ride Corpus Railjack missions are basically a brief jaunt towards an otherwise normal mission. Sure, there are side objectives you need to complete before you board. But once you’re done with side objectives, you basically abandon your ship! Everyone on board is forced to… [Continue Reading]

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A Scramble and a New War for Tennocon 2021

On July 17th, we got to see Tennocon 2021. And boy was it… weird. I stayed up until late to watch the show and hopefully get excited. But did I get excited? I’m… not really sure. Normally, a Tennocon event is there to hype up cool, upcoming events and gameplay. TennoLive 2021 did just that, but only for the New War. The New War however has kinda been teased for years. To hype us up, after some quick questions and answers, we got to see a live demo of the beginning of the New War. We got a handful of… [Continue Reading]

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Lech Kril

A while back, with the Corpus ship rework, the Jackal got a makeover. Instead of just shooting it in various knees, you need to do Parazon shenanigans. Overall, it’s a slightly better fight, but it’s not one you can speed-run. And, in all honestly, it sets people up for bigger expectations. Because not every boss is is made equal, and some are more of a pain than others. However, some boss fights are just stupidly old. And some bosses are just bad. Somehow though, these bosses all pale in comparison to Lech Krill, the assassination mission on Mars. An ancient… [Continue Reading]

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The Steel Path – It’s the Grineer…

I’m slowly making my way around the star chart. The Steel path may add 100 levels and tons of extra health and armour, but I’m getting there. The main thing holding me back is a lack of time to play, but I’ve managed to complete about a planet a day. I’m not doing amazing, but I’m not doing badly either. I struggled my way through Earth as I wasn’t quite used to the enemies yet. Then I struggled my way through Lua, mixing up my builds constantly (Steel Path doesn’t make it clear which faction is where). And then I… [Continue Reading]

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An Awkward and Possibly Rather Lame Look At A Single Grineer Shipyard Tile Set

The Grineer Shipyard Defense/Interception tile is a funny one. It’s a very small map and it’s the one that’s always used when you visit Seimeni for those sweet 20k credits for 5 rounds of defense. But it’s a small map that has changed a few times, not always for the better. The gimmick on the Shipyard Defense tile is that the Cryopod you need to protect is on a platform, and this platform has a chance to move from one place to another. It’s a bit like the Cryopod on Helene or Hydron except this moves on a rail. This… [Continue Reading]

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Dakka and Twin Dakka

There’s no such thing as too much Dakka. You can never fire too many bullets. Overkill doesn’t exist. Everything must die in a hail of bullets and explosions. And what better weapon to do that with than the Grakata. Yes, the Grakata. The weird, ugly, Ork-like, Grineer-based automatic rifle, spraying bullets at your enemies. Sure there’s only a clip size of about 60, but that’s better than a lot of guns, and a speedy reload means you’ll be shooting again in no time. The heavy Bzzting and Dakkaing are enough to keep most enemies at bay, even if you haven’t… [Continue Reading]

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Rambling About the Corpus

The Corpus aren’t treated fairly in Warframe. Most of the time they’re simply set to one side. Most of the time, we have to deal with pissed off Grineer. The Natah quest featured Grineer. The War Within featured Grineer. The Silver Grove, Chains of Harrow, the Plains of Eidolon, the Sands of Inaros and even the shitty quest that is the Limbo Theorem are all Grineer places. What is Corpus-orientated? The Glast Gambit. And that quest was worse than the Limbo Theorem. The best Corpus thing we got lately was the Corpra Tennogen skin for Excalibur, the Supra Vandal, the… [Continue Reading]

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A Grineer’s Lunch

Volt hid in the shadows and waited patiently. He wasn’t a stealthy sort of Warframe, but there he was, doing a stealth mission, because why not? It wasn’t like Volt had anything better to do right now, and he wanted to test out his new silent blast Sonicor, so again, why not? He had been making good progress so far. Lots of rather scattered enemies meant that Volt could take each one out at his own pace. This mission was supposed to have been an exterminate mission, but mass slaughter didn’t need to be done swiftly. Sometimes Volt wanted to… [Continue Reading]

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Grineer VS Corpus VS Everyone Else

While playing Warframe, you’ll encounter a lot of these guys. The cloned, scrappy, heavily-weaponized Grineer and the shiny, money-loving, robot-abusing Corpus. There’s the Infested and the Orokin/Void as well, but they’re… not really the main threats right now. The Corpus and the Grineer are the ones already controlling huge swathes of the Origin System (i.e. our solar system), and they’re really the ones who have the most say when it comes to, well, existence. Let’s start off with the Grineer. We know way more about these guys than we do the Corpus. The Grineer are the first people who find… [Continue Reading]

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