D&D: Comparing Druid’s Healing Spells

Druid is the second-best healer in the game behind Cleric. This means you should be bringing at least one healing spell to the party. But which one should you prepare? Should you take more than one? Let’s find out! (As always, this guide is designed for early-level players, so we’re only covering the healing spells below 4th level.) (Author’s note: To read about the one shapeshift form that can heal teammates, check out this article. I would not consider it a meaningful source of healing compared to your spells.) 1. Goodberry Let’s start by talking about the most unique healing… [Continue Reading]

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Equinox – Night and Day, But Mostly One or the Other

I always felt like Equinox was an early attempt to try something new. A Warframe that is two Warframes in one. A Warframe that can change from one form to another, complete with a new set of abilities. Does Equinox manage to pull this off? Yes. But Equinox is a very weird frame. Everything from start to finish is off about Equinox. The very first thing one might ask is “what is this?” swiftly followed by “is it a boy or a girl?” and finished with “OW WHAT THE FUCK WHY AM I BLEEDING TO DEATH?” The answer to the… [Continue Reading]

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Healer Woes

If you never felt that playing healer is frustrating in games, then you’ve never played a healer. Ever. Sure, you may have picked a healer class, but you definitely have been playing him as a DPS. Anyone who has played a healer will have experienced at least half of the things in the list below. Most of you who mainly play healers, like me, probably experienced all of them. Teammates wandering into harm’s way and expecting you to follow. Teammates abandoning you and leaving you to die. Teammates calling for aid when they are way too far away. Teammates calling… [Continue Reading]

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Good Guy Oberon – A Bit of Everything

Oberon is a weird frame. A lovely frame, a powerful frame, but a weird frame. Often described as a paladin and a protector of nature, Oberon can both heal and hurt, giving you plenty of ways to use and abuse his power. His normal self appears as a deer-like being, while Oberon Prime takes on features that are closer to that of a goat. Let’s start with obtaining Oberon. Oberon parts have a chance of dropping from Eximus enemies. You know, the ones with the weird mesh energy effects on them that have a range of weird and annoying abilities… [Continue Reading]

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An Old Medic Failing with the Best Healer Ever

For someone who calls himself Medic, mained Medic in Team Fortress 2 and had a single class make up about 80% of my gameplay, it seems really weird that I wouldn’t leap into Warframe and grab the healing character at the first opportunity. Back then, Trinity wasn’t even that hard to get, her parts dropping from a tag-team fight between two bosses I’d already soundly defeated. Considering how powerful Trinity is, was and always will be, it seems insane that Medic’s playing anyone but. That’s not to say I never play Trinity. She has her place. She’s a good frame.… [Continue Reading]

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Another Look at Trinity

The last time I looked at Trinity, the primary healing character in Warframe, I wasn’t a fan of her. I found her tedious and awkward, while acknowledging that, with the right setup, she could be really strong. Of course, back then, I still didn’t have Continuity, nor did I have many of the higher end mods that make Trinity good. Now that I do, I think it’s time to look back at her. Basically, Trinity is the best support character one could ever ask for in a video game. Or at least, she would be if it wasn’t for her… [Continue Reading]

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The (somewhat) Curious Case of Paladins’ Support Classes

Most of the time, in a class-based game, healers or other support classes do rather pitiful damage relative to their more combat-oriented colleagues. I mean, if you have a guy who only does damage, and another guy who does the same amount of damage but also heals and is similar in terms of bulk and speed, the first guy will really need some kind of very interesting or effective gimmick for him to even be used at all. Aside for that, you will run into a scenario where the support class player went off to do anything but supporting the… [Continue Reading]

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Press ‘2’ to Give Energy

Despite all of my talk about Warframe, there’s something I’ve been almost hesitant to mention. I’ve always been someone who veers towards healers and support characters, but here I am, playing Warframe and keeping far, far away from the main support character in the game. As Warframes go, Trinity isn’t that hard to get. You need to complete quite a few junctions – Venus, Mercury, Mars and Phobos, before you can access Ceres and reach the boss battle there. For some reason, the boss fight is against Captain Vor and Lieutenant Kril, two bosses you’ve already fought on Mercury and… [Continue Reading]

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