Sticky Jumper vs Machine

Happy Jump Day! Every 16th of September, The Daily SPUF celebrates Jump Day to remember the poor Sticky Jumper who lost its 3rd-8th bombs on this fateful date in 2013. As I’ve mentioned in numerous articles before, the Sticky Jumper is one of my favorite weapons. I will forever defend it as a perfectly valid playstyle in TF2. But even I didn’t think that versatility was good enough to qualify for anything beyond meme status in Mann Vs Machine! But after seeing it listed as “Usable” in this thread and this comment I decided to give it a try. I… [Continue Reading]

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The Sticky Jumper: Looking Back

Every September 16th, The Daily SPUF honors Jump Day, a memorial holiday celebrating the pre-nerf Sticky Jumper which was cruelly taken from us in 2013. Last year’s Jump Day was a poignant milestone as it was our sixth, meaning we’d had one for every sticky that Valve deleted from the clip. This time next year, we’ll hit a nice round eight and the entire clip will be accounted for. Older articles have discussed why the nerf was unwarranted, unneeded and ineffective at solving the actual balance problems that TF2 suffered from back in the day. This one instead wants to… [Continue Reading]

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Remembering the Sticky Jumper

Happy Jump Day! While SPUF itself may be long gone, the Sticky Jumper-themed holiday it birthed has survived six years, almost into the 2020s. Never forget the day they nerfed our Sticky Jumper! Out of all the cruel, heartless, and unneeded nerfs that Valve have levied on unsuspecting weapons in Team Fortress 2‘s long and checkered past, the Sticky Jumper nerf remains one of the harshest. Valve took one of the funnest and most unique weapons (it’s the only Demoman secondary that isn’t an explosive or a shield, creating an entirely new “scout with a grenade launcher” playstyle) and…um…well, to… [Continue Reading]

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A Weapon of Formerly Infinite Jest – In Memory of the Sticky Bomb Launcher

Alas, poor Sticky Jumper! I knew him, SPUF: a weapon of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: it hath borne me through the sky a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rims at it. Here lie those rounded bombs that I have exploded I know not how oft. Where be your explosions now? your grenades? your cabers? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set enemy snipers on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen? Now get you to the old SPUF, and tell those there, let… [Continue Reading]

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Happy Jump Day!

For the last four years September 16th has been Jump Day, a somber holiday where the denizens of SPUF honor the 8-clip Sticky Jumper which was cruelly nerfed on September 16th, 2013. (Last year even reddit got involved!) We will never forget our fallen comrade. A weapon of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; it hath carried me through the sky a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is. A harmless weapon that once stood proudly among the few Demoman unlocks, a weapon that has seen its abilities gutted slowly but surely, a weapon whom Valve later updated… [Continue Reading]

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Four Things You Can’t Do With the Sticky Jumper

Migrating over from Medic primaries, I’m shamelessly stealing an old article format and focusing on another one of my favorite weapons in TF2, a much-maligned mobility tool that has been lumped in with the Rocket Jumper and Sun-on-a-Stick as useless tripe. I’ve long-defended the Sticky Jumper as a perfectly-viable unlock that created a whole new playstyle for aerial Demoman, but thanks to the many, many times Valve has redesigned this weapon, this time we’re going to talk about the things you can’t do with it. At least, not anymore. 1. You can’t plant decoy sticky traps. When the Sticky Jumper… [Continue Reading]

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How Weapon Dropping Improved My Favorite TF2 Loadout

Let’s ignore the Ubercharge bit for a moment. The weapon-dropping mechanic on its own is surprisingly ineffectual considering what everyone started worrying about when they first heard it was going to become a thing. The weapons aren’t that easy to actually pick up, the presence of nothing but sidegrades and the fact that you have to drop a weapon you actually chose to equip means that in the grand scheme of things it’s just a fun new ability that opens up rare moments of awesome, aids in allowing players to try out skins they otherwise don’t own, and causes relatively… [Continue Reading]

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Could a “Flare Jumper” work?

Based on the Detonator of course, not the Flare Gun, though I prefer this name as “Detonator Jumper” is clunky and “Det Jumper” is unclear. This is almost certainly the most commonly-requested reincarnation of the orange-colored -100% damage concept, with the runner up probably being the Boston Jumper. (But seriously, why would you want to give up the best way to give your Medic Uber?) A lot of other people are understandably opposed to the idea, especially those who think the Jumpers we already have are useless enough. But I think it could work, especially if Valve drops the training… [Continue Reading]

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May 25th – June 2nd

This article will wrap up Ketchup week. We’re back on track for “This Week in TF2 History”! Congrats everybody! I know it wasn’t actually a week, but the only alternative was to wait to fall behind an extra 14 days before starting, and that’s just the sort of logic that got us into this mess. Speaking of messes, the Spy weapons added as per Sniper vs. Spy were all decently buggy due to how strangely they messed with the mechanics of the game. The Dead Ringer in particular had more bugs than any other weapon before or since, and the… [Continue Reading]

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