Valve Hype: The Long Game

Companies have different ways of generating hype. From the dregs of astro-turfing to the apex of ARGs, there are entire industries dedicated to stirring interest in a product and spreading a social media net as far as possible. Valve is in the lucky position of owning a number of long-standing franchises that have years and years of development time invested into them almost entirely in-house, and this lets them splurge on the most niche level of hype: the hidden foreshadowing. Whether intentionally or for testing/convenience’s sake, Valve has a number of  cases where they’ve added something into a game that seems innocuous… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 update, 12/03/15

So, we’ve actually had a TF2 update. First off… THE CRIT GUNSLINGER BUG HAS BEEN PATCHED. Yeah. Only took them since the Gunslinger was made to fix that. In other news, the Strange Kritzkrieg was re-released, but the chance of unboxing one is the same as the chance of unboxing an unusual. We also got a Strange Buff Banner, Strange Cloak and Dagger and Strange Bison. Interesting. A couple of bug fixes here and there too. This update announces the start of the Taunt Workshop, so people can finally submit all their taunts, the same way they do hats. Three… [Continue Reading]

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Making Strange Filters Work For You

Strange Filters were integrated poorly. I know of nobody who disagrees with this. They should have been like strange parts, adding a prefix and a subcounter showing how many kills you’ve gotten on a single map. Lobotomizing the actual function of the strange weapon on 99% of maps is not the way to get people to buy them. This article by Brokkoli makes a good case for strange filters by pointing out that it makes your weapon truly unique. Indeed, you are unlikely to ever see a Strange Rigid Market Gardener for the rest of your TF2 career, assuming you made… [Continue Reading]

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