Practical Advantages You Can Gain With Taunts

Taunts are a silly yet fun addition to TF2 that have have grown more and more pernicious as time goes on. Nowadays they’re hard to avoid with very attention-drawing musical jingles, unusual effects, and contagious dances. But like everything other seemingly-pointless just-for-fun game mechanic, I’m here to nitpick the hell out of the entire concept, wringing out every possible competitive advantage. 1. Generic all-purpose third person. The first and most obvious, taunts give you an ability to look around corners and get a more broad screenshot of the map around you, with the only downside being the few seconds of… [Continue Reading]

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Oh hey, Invasion is here.

Oh hey, Invasion is here. And it’s pretty much replaced the Halloween event, running until November 5th with the Invasion Pass. Basically this update is a gigantic community Gun Mettle Update, with the contributors doing all of the work and Valve still getting a good bit of the rewards. Same as before, do challenges in-game on official servers and get weapons, or get special rare crates that need keys to open. Of course this is all locked to people who buy the pass, which is $2-ish, depending on where you’re from. So no stuff for people who don’t want to… [Continue Reading]

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Characters and Conga

Not long ago, I created a thread on SPUF. Normally, my threads are a bit of fun, and this thread was no exception. All I did was tell everyone to leave their main loadout in the thread, and I’d make a giant conga picture out of it. This article sets out to reveal that giant picture (although since I used it as the featured image, that’s kinda moot, but here you see it in all its glory). But before I do that, I want to have a little talk. Being the editor of a blog means I can do that… [Continue Reading]

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A collection of taunt suggestions

When I look back at the Love and War update, all I see is an awesome video, fat Engineers, a conga taunt, a stupid ‘shield’ and a parachute. That’s pretty much it. Nothing else really sort of stuck in my mind. Yes, we’ve got the Rock Paper Scissors taunt and taunts in which we headbutt each other, and the ability to high five enemy players (which is awesome mind you) but the taunts we got don’t cover what we really want. So I’m going to be lame and list a bunch of ideas of taunts we should have. The Handshake… [Continue Reading]

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