The 5 Best Joker Cops in Payday 2

Joker is my second-favorite skill in the game, behind Inspire. There are a lot of cops to choose from, but you only get to convert one or two, so it’s important you pick the best convertible cop available. So today, we’re covering The 5 Best Joker Cops in Payday 2!

Starting with #1, the basic rule of thumb is to prioritize any cop carrying a shotgun. Shotguns are incredibly powerful in this game, there’s a reason Bulldozers carry them. The exception is

#2) If you’re playing a heist with a lot of open area, like Heat Street or Armored Transport Crossroads, that’s the one time you’ll want a rifle cop instead. If Murkywater spawn, try to grab one wielding an Eagle Heavy rifle, one of the strongest weapons any AI will carry.

#3) If all else fails, the easiest joker to get a hold of are the tan cops, who wear bulletproof chest plates that significantly increase their survivability. I can often carry a single tan joker throughout an entire heist without having to replace him.

#4) By proxy, this means that my highest-recommended Joker is a tan cop wielding a shotgun. That combination is pretty rare, but if you manage to convert one, it’ll be worth the trouble of having waited for him.

#5) The last Joker worth mentioning are Bronco Cops. They only spawn as scripted units at the beginning of maps, and have extremely low health meaning it’s very unlikely they’ll survive the entire heist, but their revolvers deal massive damage and they’re worth using if you don’t mind having to convert a new Joker after they die.

Bonus #6) The clerk in the jewelry Store of Reservoir Dogs Day 1 can actually be converted into a Joker. She’s not a good joker, but you get an achievement for doing so, so take the hit at least once in your career.

Thanks for listening, hope you learned something useful, this is aabicus with the SPUF of Legend, keep those helmets flying!


I write articles! I also make games, release videos, voice act and lots of other cool things.

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