I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
I was in Larunda Relay the other day, when someone asked if someone could give them a hand. I wasn’t doing anything (had just dropped off a medallion to max out Perrin Sequence and get to rank 4) so I said I’d help. He wanted to measure how Coaction Drift worked with Aura mods. Coaction Drift claims to give 15% Aura Strength and 15% Aura Effectiveness. What that actually means, I still don’t really know. We spent 20 minutes messing around with Auras and Corrosive Projection and I don’t think the guy got the answers he was eventually looking for. Of course, the Mastery Rank 23 (22 at the time, I since managed to get to MR23) guy should have known, but I didn’t.
Mister MR23 here also didn’t know about the range of auras. Apparently they have infinite range but the wiki doesn’t say, so I have no idea.
Later on, I was doing Sanctuary Onslaught. The normal version. Mainly because I was feeling lazy and didn’t really want to try much, plus I was using up the rest of my Affinity Booster. Two runs of Sanctuary Onslaught, going to zone 8, was enough to max out the two weapons I was using. But rather than play my Volt Condition Overload Melee build, I played Saryn, using Spores, Toxic Lash and my trusty Ignis. Turned out I was doing the most damage but I really wasn’t sure how. With all the Saryn changes, I am even more unsure how she actually works.
The next day, I was messing around, trying to decide on a new frame to play as. Someone in clan chat suggested Limbo. I admitted I wasn’t really sure how he worked. This isn’t great as Limbo Prime is on his way and that means everyone will be playing him.
My point is, there is a TON of stuff I don’t understand.
It’s not just Warframe though. Heck, it’d be understandable if it was. But most of the time, I don’t know what I’m doing.

I don’t know how much of Skyrim works. I’ve made Skyrim mods but have no idea how to make anything more than a house or an NPC. No idea how to do anything really.
Despite looking at tutorials for Source Film Maker, I still have no idea how to even do anything with it. At best I can load a map, maybe? That’s it.
Most games, I don’t really get. I sort of fluke through them.
It goes further than that. 99% of the time, I have no idea what I am doing.
Let’s take the Daily SPUF Discord bot. The one that automatically posts articles when they’re published here. The old one broke. I don’t know why or how. I tried re-making the bot but nothing I did worked. I’m just using a random WordPress plugin I found. When it stopped working and I had no idea how to fix it – because it would only post articles if I hit Publish immediately – I gave up and found a different plugin. I still have no idea how these plugins work.
My job in general. I fluke through that. I have no idea if things will work and am genuinely surprised when they do. It’s all trial and error, with a lot of error. My studies are all luck based. I did an exam for my latest Open University module and I have no idea if I passed or anything, and I have to worry until July to find out. I did that exam and read through it and had no clue whether I was on the right path or not – the tutors may have said that there are no wrong answers, but there are a ton of answers that aren’t right either.
Heck, that phrase applies to everything. My whole life, I have no idea what I am doing. It’s all mainly luck.
But then I realise, maybe that’s what everyone else is doing? Maybe the majority of people are just feeling their way around, not sure what they’re doing either, hoping that what they’re doing is right or at least makes their life better. Maybe everyone else is as clueless as I am.
Maybe you all have no idea what you’re doing either?
Who knows?