Writing About Fictional Deities

I’ve always found it hard writing about deities. That sounds kinda weird, especially when you consider what I normally write about over on the Phoviverse. Ever since I started writing the 4th version of the Phoviverse, gods have played bigger and bigger roles in the stories. But really, have I even created gods, or are they just insanely powerful mortal beings? Actually, I have lots of ideas and rambling thoughts about gods in fictional works. The way I see it, writing fictional deities seems to come in several forms. Gods of everything, gods of big things and gods of lots… [Continue Reading]

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Youtube’s New UI is Annoying as fuck

I know I literally wrote an article the other day on a similar premise, but holy fuck Youtube what are you doing? Sure, Youtube had had some pretty bad UI changes in the past, but what the hell am I looking at? What is going on? Look at this mess. The comments are all squished to one side, the title is squished to one side and the recommendations both have hideous rounded corners (way, way too rounded, considering that the main video has square corners) and the thumbnails are fucking massive. The layout looks like Twitch but worse. All the… [Continue Reading]

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On Getting A Massage

I’ve wanted a massage for ages. While I’m normally someone who’s not a fan of being touched by strangers, the idea of someone gently rubbing my back with some nice-smelling oil is very appealing. So, when my family asked what I wanted for my birthday, I decided to actually be useful for once, not say “I don’t know” and actually ask for one. I was given a voucher for a local massage place and, a couple of weeks later, I actually booked a session and went. Now, normally, something like this wouldn’t be that noteworthy. I mean, it’s just a… [Continue Reading]

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Tinder’s UI is Annoying as fuck

Let’s be blunt. I’m single. I’m kinda lonely. I kinda want a boyfriend or a girlfriend or something. I’m gonna try Tinder. I’ve used Tinder in the past, to varying degrees of success. In fact, Tinder is the reason why I wasted a year and a half of my life on a guy who really didn’t want to leave his comfort zone. And this article in particular, I originally created it in late 2021 when I started using the app. You’d think, all these years later, things would improve, but no, things are definitely worse now. I think the graphics… [Continue Reading]

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A Warfame’s Fictional Writings

“So, why are we waiting again?” Frost asked as he threw an energy pad on the ground and tutted. “I wanted to wait for a whole squad!” Volt replied, fiddling with his Vectis. It had been a while since Volt had done anything apart from close Void Fissures on his own, and for some reason, he’d decided to head to the weird Entrati Labs on Deimos, mostly out of curiosity. The Cavia, a weird team of Void-touched animals, led by an oddly almost normal human being by the name of Loid, needed their help, and that had made Volt start… [Continue Reading]

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On Making Up Words and Languages

When it comes to writing the sort of weird fantasy fiction I write, I need to come up with a lot of fake words. One of the major things about the Phoviverse is that humans practically don’t exist in the main universe. In fact, humans haven’t properly existed since the MK3 Phoviverse, where they did exist and they did live near some of the larger races (mostly the Temthan and Kronospast empires) but in MK4, humans were reduced to a handful of references as a single race that lived on a single planet deep within Kronospast territories, where the Kronospasts… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – Mission Accomplished

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. “So, uh, Retvik, can you actually drive?” Retvik frowned as he awkwardly sipped from a very tiny champagne glass. After their stupid adventure, the four of them were now sitting in an extra large jacuzzi, eating fancy food and drinking… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – Fight Above The Trees

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. A burst of flames erupted from Thassalin’s jaws as the colossal Thraki set fire to a very specific patch of forest, then circled above, watching for moment. Weirdly, as he had slowed down, the weird screaming noise from behind him… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – Sinic Wyvern

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. For a mountain, Mount Helvede wasn’t very mountainous. Sure, it had a steep point, but the incline was relatively low, to the point that you could drive up parts of it with ease. In fact, that was kinda what had… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – Camping Under the Stars

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. Things had taken longer than expected, and the sudden arrival of night had forced them to slow down, and a well-hidden tree stump had forced them to stop completely. The 4×4 vehicle was fine, but Kayel was insistent that they… [Continue Reading]

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