Tenno of Anarchy
I’ve spoken a lot about my Warframe clan. The article about building and decorating featured things built in the Tenno of Anarchy dojo. A couple of articles have used screenshots of squad mates, and one of those were taken from the clan’s showcase, which randomly shows 4 members of the clan in their currently equipped frames. Tenno of Anarchy isn’t a big clan at all, but for some reason I’ve stuck around.
I’ll start off by saying that normally I’m not a clan person. Prior to Warframe, the most clan-like things I’ve been a part of are SPUF, subSPUF and a brief stint in another TF2 community focused on weird achievement servers. And aside from SPUF, any communities I’ve been in, I’ve been almost like a satellite, circling around and never really getting close.
But hey, a clan is a clan.
Tenno of Anarchy wasn’t my first clan. I was originally roped into Davjo’s Selenite clan, a Ghost Clan with him, Keith and some other guy. I never really went to Davjo’s clan dojo because it was built like a fricking maze, and the only thing I think I got from there was my Ignis blueprint. I got kicked out after a falling out and went clan-less for a bit.
I didn’t spend long looking for a new one though. Pretty much just 5 minutes on recruiting chat, when I saw a clan recruiting. Krhymez, now known as Lawmonark, the Warlord of Tenno of Anarchy, replied to my message, saying that all he wanted was for me to be active and social in the clan, he sent me an invite and, after building a clan key, I had access to a place to trade and do things.
Back then, there wasn’t a lot going on, so I’d chat with whoever was there, mostly just Krhymez and a couple of other players – fun guy P_lasma, an insane trading fellow called ProBrosan who spent all day by the clan’s trading machines, and a very anti-Maiming Strike guy called Inquizitor. Eventually, when my brother (who goes by the username Smeeeghead) started playing Warframe, I invited him to the clan as well.
Turned out I was probably the least hardcore player in the clan. I found this out when we did the Pacifism Defect. Those fellows I mentioned earlier? They all spent over 2 hours at a time doing marathon defection missions. Krhymez in particular spent about 5 hours in a solo mission. They’re all insane.
Ambulas Reborn was no different. Everyone in the clan got at least 50 points in that event, securing a Supra Vandal and a gold Ambulas trophy for our dojo.
Then things went quiet. For a long time, the only active people were me, Smeeeghead and Inquizitor, with P_lasma stopping by occasionally. Which was fine until Plague Star came by. If it wasn’t for me, Smeeeghead and new recruit Stackbabbin (from subSPUF, back when he was new and needed a clan), we’d have never finished that damn gold Plague Star trophy.
Everything was quiet until February this year. For some reason, everyone decided to suddenly come back.
Since then, we’ve redecorated the clan dojo multiple times, added and removed a bunch of rooms, added and removed a bunch of members, instated a 15 day activity policy (because everyone else wants the clan to be active all the time)… Ah, yeah, that’s the only thing I’m not fond of when it comes to the clan. Krhymez is a bit quick to kick people. He wants players who play on a pretty regular basis (at least a couple of times a week, active on weekends) and sometimes forgets that people have lives. Most of the time though we’re pretty lenient and everyone gets like three or four chances. Understandably, we’ve spent time and effort building a rather close-knit clan, so we don’t want to invite people who will just grab a bunch of blueprints then bugger off, or invite people who don’t want anything to do with the clan itself.

There’s more though. We’ve also properly set up a discord server, got ourselves a new clan emblem (yes, an actual custom clan emblem), hit Clan Mastery Rank 10 and renamed all the different levels in the clan based on actual ranks from the Sons of Anarchy TV show.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that. The clan’s named after the Sons of Anarchy.
I didn’t realise that until a couple of months after I joined.
Still, we got a rocking logo.