Sea of Thieves – Newbie Luck and Epic Treasure
I don’t always write about my gaming adventures, and when I do, I generally write them in the second person, or directed at readers. But in my second ever voyage in Sea of Thieves, I had an absolutely awesome time, despite, well, it being my second ever voyage. We got a ton of loot. And in quite an odd way.
In our voyage, we were a three-player squad: Bacxaber, Metz and me, the brand new pirate. I was sailing on the Stormcloud with two veteran players on a brig decked out in reaper colours. While I had played through the basic tutorial, I was still insanely new to the game, but both Bacxaber and Metz were happy to explain things for me. And, unlike my first voyage, the plan for our second voyage was to spill a lot more blood of the human kind.
So off we went, carrying a Reaper flag, ready to fight anyone who dared get in our way. But, of course, the Sea of Thieves is huge, and it takes time to get to places. Being a Reaper also meant that our ship was visible on the world map, and others could avoid or attack us as they pleased. However, in the mean time, there were plenty of other things to do, like searching shipwrecks to get treasure. Before long though, we found ourselves bumping into a galleon, which were aiming for the same target we were.
Ready the cannons!
Of course, we decide to fight. We’re at a player disadvantage, but we don’t care, we’re out for blood. And, thankfully, Bacxaber and Metz both are stocked up on supplies. We start trading cannonballs – I use the normal, boring ones, leaving the special cannonballs to Bacxaber, who is vastly superior at aiming than I am. The other ship though fought back, firing their own fancy cannonballs. In order to survive, I had to juggle firing cannons, fixing holes and getting rid of water all at the time time, while Metz expertly sailed us into position, so Bacxaber could bombard the galleon even more.
At one point, we even had a boarder. A stranger from the enemy galleon was hoping to try and take us down, but as soon as he climbed on board, he was met with not one but three swords, as we all stabbed him to death.
Eventually, the enemy galleon sinks and the other pirates leave, abandoning their ship and their loot. We drift over to collect our prize. We weren’t expecting much, but we were very wrong. There was so much abandoned loot! Chests after chests, tons of skulls and gems, all sorts! There were even some flags in there too. The amount of loot from this one ship was insane, to the point that we began to question why the galleon pirates had given up.

In fact, there was so much loot that, as we tried to get it all aboard our ship, some of the loot started sinking, literally de-spawning in front of our eyes. We took it in turns to babysit the loot as it was harpooned onto the brig, repeatedly dipping under the water to pick up chests and bring them back to the surface.
Then we had to get all that loot back to base…
Being reapers, we really needed to get a move on, as our location was visible to pretty much everyone. Luckily, we made it to the 5th rank for Reapers, and we could see other emissary ships on the map now, but the chances of being attacked were still very high. Heck, for all we knew, the original owners of that loot might have wanted it back.
While we had been lucky with loot, we definitely weren’t lucky with the weather. As soon as we managed to get sailing, the heavens opened and the waves towered over us. Metz and Bacxaber managed to sail us to an outpost to sell our loot, but we were literally sailing blind. The rain was so heavy that I had to repeatedly haul buckets of water out of the ship. Amazingly though, we managed to crash into an outpost, almost perfectly. Our path to epic money was directly ahead, all we had to do was go back and forth carrying chests and hoping that our boat didn’t sink in the horrendous rain and fog.
Thankfully though, the weather eventually cleared up, and we could finally see again. Not only had the Stormcloud managed to make bank, but we did so with no witnesses. Not only that, but we were selling all this loot with multiple bonuses. A double gold event gave us our first buff, and our Reaper rank gave us even more, meaning we had an approximately x4 gold booster.
Anyway, that’s how I ended up with over 1 million gold, in my second ever voyage. I can’t wait to go on more pirate adventures!