A Quick Unboxing Article
For most of my life, getting anything via the post is a long, slow, tedious process. Shipping things to Aphrodite’s Island of Love is tricky because, quite obviously, Cyprus is an island. But on top of that, mail here is just slow all round. It’s very easy for things to get delayed, but eventually, the post always comes. That’s why I rarely order things online, I don’t want to be waiting forever for whatever it is I order. However, I have been known to purchase the occasional cool thing.
Back in March and April though, Warframe was celebrating its anniversary, and there was a small sale, as well as some anniversary merchandise on their store. I saw this stuff, decided I wanted to buy a few things as a treat, then made my order. The shipping wasn’t too bad, but I knew I’d be waiting a while.

Anyway, so time to open these boxes. Which are way, way too big for what I ordered. It’s mostly pillows of air to stop my orders from being damaged. I’m genuinely surprised how big these boxes are! They’re not even the same size! I expected them to both come in little boxes. This is fine though, maybe Mog will sleep in one later.
Alright, so I got two things to open. And I just open them with a pair of scissors. Inside is a lot of air. Literally, plastic pillows of air.If only they’d used bubble wrap, that would be way more fun.
Oh look, things in boxes. Yeah, this is how they came, with more pillows of air. I really don’t get why these items were shipped as they were, seems rather wasteful.

So, what are these things? The first is a Railjack keyring. It was on sale at one point, and I kinda got it on a whim. The Railjack keyring is quite heavy, but I actually don’t think I’ll ever use it as a keyring. The model itself is chunky, but all the stick-y-out bits seem a little fragile. They’d probably survive in a pocket or something for a bit, but the prongs seem like they can get bent easily.
There’s also no colour to the Railjack, it’s just a metal lump. However, several people have suggested that I paint it. That’d be a great idea if I had the right sort of paints to do so. But also I’m not sure I can make the ship yellow enough. Still, I might look into drybrushing the railjack, so that more of the details stick out.

The second is much more important. Only available to Warframe players MR30 and higher, this is a wonderful True Master pin. It’s so nice that I kinda don’t want to take it out of its box. The pin is also actually pretty heavy. The pin also has two actual pin-y bits at the back, probably for extra security if you decide to wear it. However, I probably won’t be wearing this pin. If I lose it, I can’t get another one. But its size is also a bit problematic. Where do I even put it? I’d hate to lose the pin or parts of it. Plus, it looks nice inside its little box.
I am glad I bought the pin though. It feels like a secondary reward for hitting MR30. Sure, I bought it for myself, but I am glad I did so. It was worth the money and the wait.
Fun fact, I’ve actually been waiting on these for ages. Why? Because a mail slip had been put in the wrong post box. The slip was there to tell me to go to the local post office to pick up these packages, yet it was put in the wrong box. I didn’t find out until I noticed it sticking out of my post box last week. Luckily, the really nice lady at the post office had everything sorted out for me.
My nice Warframe merchandise has all arrived, and they can sit nicely on my shelf of nice things.

Yes, that IS a book on how to use Photoshop. Yeah, I’m a little bit of a hoarder…