A Hall of Fame
I kinda realized that I didn’t really showcase the team I used in Pokemon Shield. Some Pokemon were permanent members, while others came and went, according to any upcoming gyms. For each new gym challenge, I swapped out Pokemon and leveled up Pokemon that were guaranteed to be super effective against the gym leaders.
However, my final team was a bit different. After all, the gym leaders all focused on one type. And I could just pick Pokemon that were super-effective against their types. Leon and my rivals on the other hand all had much more diverse teams. So I needed to adapt as well. Luckily, my team was diverse enough for me to become the champion. But who were these mysterious Pokemon that I used to win? Well, they’re right here!

We’ll start off with the most useless member on the team. Thwack the Machoke didn’t even get used in the final battle against Leon. In fact, he was a leftover from both the dark and dragon gyms. I picked up Machoke to deal mostly with the Dualadon that Raihan had in the Dragon Gym, and ended up not really being used. Same with the Dark Gym, to be honest.
As to why he isn’t a Machamp? I haven’t worked out trading in this game. But more importantly, why would I trade away one of the Hall of Famers?

Horny on the other hand always finds weird ways to be useful. As long as it’s not in multi-trainer battles. Earthquake is a great move, but I had to be really careful with Horny and NOT use him for anything more than a 1v1. When it comes to fighting the Champion though, I had intended for him to beat Charizard, but since Leon’s Charizard used flying attacks, I ended up holding him back.
Elsewhere though, despite not being a Rhyperior, Horny has ended up as my main ground and rock Pokemon. His use of Smack Down has made fights against flying types a lot easier.

I’d honestly never heard of this Pokemon until Sword and Shield. I just saw a creepy fairy type and HAD to catch it. Snore was picked mostly against the Dragon Gym, where she ended up putting Raihan’s Gigantamax Duraladon to sleep, so the rest of my team could finish it off. Snore’s help has been useful elsewhere too, as she can put Pokemon to sleep, making them easier to catch.
Unfortunately, when it came to the championship battle, Snore had little luck. Leon’s Haxorus had a poison move that perfectly took out my Grass/Fairy Pokemon.

Aaby was a new addition to the team, and damn it did well. This Lapras was the Pokemon who landed the final blow on Leon’s Gigantamax Charizard, winning the battle and the championship.
As for the name? Well, in aabicus’s Magikarp Only run, he needed someone to be a HM slave, and named the Lapras Phovos during one of his streams. I returned the favour by naming my Lapras after him.

Who can forget my trusty starter Pokemon, Grohl? Grohl was with me the entire time, except for when I did the Fire Gym. And throughout my entire play-through, Grohl just happened to be the answer, especially has I had given him some unusual moves. But at the same time, I just didn’t really stumble across any grass-type Pokemon that did what Grohl did but better. Of course, being my starter Pokemon, Grohl was always going to be used because starter Pokemon tend to be stronger than normal Pokemon.
Either way, Grohl did a ton of work and absolutely deserves his place on the Hall of Fame.

I don’t know why, but despite her myriad of weaknesses, Charm the Salazzle (formerly named Harem before I realized she was useful) has surprised the hell out of me. Especially because there were so many ice and grass types that needed killing. Charm was a massive workhorse for my team, and earned the spot of first in my party just because fire felt almost too useful. Funnily enough, Charm proved herself pretty early on as well, helping against the Fairy Gym.
Well, there’s also the addition that Salazzle looks really cool. There are definitely better fire and poison types, but Salazzle never gave up. She’s basically my best buddy now.
So here we go, that’s my Hall of Fame. What an odd bunch! As for where they are now, they’re currently busy studying and helping people out by doing Poke-jobs. But we still go camping from time to time. Couldn’t have become a champion without them!
Congrats again! What a team!