A Bit of Wrestling Disappointment

On a whim and an invitation from my brother, I joined him and a friend and watched Wrestlemania. This year, Wrestlemania was split into two 4-hour events, spread over the weekend. So we had day one and day two. However, we watched Wrestlemania in one go, watching it on the WWE network. Which meant we could skip over all the long, non-wrestling-y bits, and avoid the cringey adverts. Overall, it was fun, but I was left with a bit of disappointment.

I’m putting a spoiler warning here. Wrestlemania concluded a couple of days before I wrote this article, and some people may not have watched it yet. If you’re not afraid of spoilers, then please continue.

What we ended up watching was rather curated. Which was nice, since both days were four hours long, and watching all of it would have bored me to death. But what we did end up watching was very entertaining. Well, most of it was. I found the weird 4-team tag-team match was a complete mess, couldn’t tell what was going on.

One of the better matches was Gunther, the International Champion belt holder, fighting against Sheamus and Drew Macintyre. It was great seeing three titans really kicking the shit out of each other. However, Gunther disappeared for a bit too long while the other guys fought, and came back into the match when both were exhausted, took advantage of them and kept hold of his belt. Still, was a good match.

Another match I enjoyed was Fin Balor versus Edge. It was a very tough fight with no disqualifications, and they brought out all the naughty chairs and tables and stuff. Unfortunately, early on, Fin took a ladder to the face and got a nasty cut on his head, but he didn’t want to leave the fight. So there was a good bit of time of Edge wandering around angrily, waiting to fight again, while medics stapled Fin’s head shut.

I’m also happy that Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens won the tag-team belts. The Usos are a great tag team, but it was nice finally seeing them brought down a peg. The celebration at the end was wonderful, and the fight was great as well.

My disappointment came from the main event.

On the normal TV shows, they’ve been hyping up Cody Rhodes for a long time. Celebrating his return, crowds cheering for him, all sorts. It was all leading up to the main event on day two. A fight between Cody and Roman Reigns, who has been carrying two titles for a really long time now. This was hyped up to finally be the time where Roman Reigns actually loses. After all, he barely wrestles and just wanders around to get people to bow down to him and his cronies. With the Usos losing the day before, the big question was if Roman Reigns could cling on or not.

The actual match itself started off alright. Both Cody and Roman were quite even when it came to trading blows. We actually saw a huge amount of moves from Cody, and Roman at times looked like he was going to lose. About half-way through, the Usos tried to interfere, but Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens came in and chased them off. After that, Cody and Roman went back to normal fighting. This continued right until the end of the match, when the ref was distracted by Paul the suckup, while Solo Sikoa attacked Cody from behind, handing Roman the victory.

Yet again, Roman had the fight given to him by his cheating stooges.

That made me quite disappointed. Rather than have a normal, clean match, Roman yet again gets bailed out by his minions. The guy just can’t win without help. And, to make things worse, Cody’s momentum was completely and utterly destroyed. All that hype, only for him to lose because of interference.

The question is, with Cody shut down, who is going to be the person to finally topple Roman? No one knows. Either way, it’s a shame Cody lost. I’m sick of Roman and his cronies…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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