Liches are Better Than Sisters
Kuva Liches are better than Sisters of Parvos. That’s a fact. There’s no way you can convince me otherwise. Although I’ve mostly finished with Kuva Liches, I’d much rather farm them again over going against Sisters of Parvos. Here’s why.
Easier to farm
Firstly, Kuva Liches are far easier to get. If I want a Kuva Lich, then all I have to do is kill a bunch of Grineer to get one to spawn. Once it’s spawned, I can then stab the poor kuvaling and see what weapon it has. For Sisters of Parvos, you have to jump into the Granum Void and sit through 2 minutes of murdering specters before I can continue on my way. I need the top score, and then I need to go and find the Sister and stab them. The Granum Void isn’t hard or anything, but it is a boring pain in the ass, and it wastes more of your time than a kuvaling does, especially if it doesn’t have the weapons you want.

There’s also better combat to be had. I’m not a fan of stabbing robotic dogs compared to stabbing Kuva Thralls. The hounds are less common and give more experience towards unlocking your next symbol, but the Kuva Thralls are more common and more fun to kill. When it comes to actually defeating your Lich, you don’t need to worry about the extra hounds or Warframe specters that Sisters always throw at you.
Better weapons
Speaking of weapons, Kuva weapons just feel better. While we do get Tenet Arca Plasma and the Tenet Envoy rocket launcher, the other Tenet weapons aren’t that amazing. Okay, to be fair, you do get stuff like the Kuva Seer, but overall, Kuva weapons are more appealing. The Kuva Bramma, Twin Stubbas and Chakhur are all amazing weapons. I’ve seen way more people using the likes of the Kuva Hek than I have seen people using Tenet weapons in general.

On top of that, you don’t need to go and randomly farm random shit in order to get all Kuva weapons. Sure, farming for holo-keys is somewhat easier but they are not a guaranteed drop and can take hours of doing Railjack in order to get the amount of keys you need. It’s a very random way of getting Tenet weapons, buying them from Ergo Glast of the Perrin Sequence, but it’s just as much a chore as it is fighting against a Sister. Because, for some reason, Sisters can’t use melee weapons.
They make more sense
The whole concept of a Kuva Lich seems a lot less… weird. They’re basically Grineer who get picked to become super soldiers, with you as their target. However, Parvos Granum’s sisters are kinda creepy, because he always wanted a sister. Parvos also was willing to have us as a member of our council after the Deadlock Protocol, since he knew what we could do. But then he weirdly sends Sisters after us, despite having wanted to be allies. Which is a tad annoying. Then again, when a Sister dies to a Tenno, Parvos doesn’t seem to care that much.

Also, Kuva Liches just seem to have more personality. All the Sisters are awkwardly loyal to Parvos, the same way the Liches are loyal to the Grineer Queens. But how they express their loyalty is pretty different. If anything, Liches are more free and are just happy to have so much power. It does help that Kuva Liches can be both male and female.
Sure, both Liches and Sisters work in pretty much the same way, but they are also kinda different at the same time. I personally think Liches are far superior compared to Sisters of Parvos, none of which can use melee weapons, and require extra work just to farm them.