Sea of Thieves – The Ledger
In the Sea of Thieves, there’s a lot of stuff under the surface that’s honestly quite easy to miss. On one hand, there are hundreds of commendations that unlock all sorts of things and grant all sorts of rewards. On the other hand, there’s the Ledger. This is something I’ve only recently become aware of.
So basically, the Ledger is like a global challenge. Everyone who does emissary stuff is automatically logged in the Ledger, and you get points according to what you do as an emissary. There are four ranks, three of which have rewards, as a bronze, silver and gold rank. Any emissary work you do, particularly things you sell to the various merchants, all becomes progress within the Ledger, which, after a while, about 30 days, ends and rewards the highest ranked players with the best rewards.
This all comes around nicely to my latest Sea of Thieves adventure. Because our goal was to make some progress on the Ledger, in order to try and get us into the gold rank for each emissary. Well, not so much me, but I need to level up with the emissaries anyway, so this was a great chance to do so. We sailed on a galleon for maximum efficiency.
Our adventure started off quite simple. We grabbed a Gold Hoarders flag and headed out to do some vaults. I’ve been enjoying doing these vaults, but we did get a little bit unlucky on the map pieces to find the key. As we finished our second vault though, we ran into a little sloop. They were thankfully no threat because they were brand new players, and Metz even jumped over and gave them some help with the vault that they were doing. Funnily enough though, that baby sloop was probably the bravest ship we saw all day, as all the other ships on our server stayed far away from us.
As soon as we hit rank 5 with Gold Hoarders, we headed to New Golden Sands, which has been renamed to Port Merrick and now looks kinda like a mini castle on an island. Thankfully, we have Captain Bacxaber on hand, so we could easily sell to the Sovereigns. However, we split our loot up into different parts, waiting to sell the Merchants and Order of Souls stuff separately.
We did another vault, then headed back to Golden Sands New Golden Sands Port Merrick to sell everything up. We make plenty of cash, then lower our emissary flag, in order to sell our other loot, the stuff we saved from earlier. After all, we want to make progress on the Ledger for all factions. But after that, we decided to do a Veil mission, to rank up a little with Athena’s Fortune as well.

However, as we started on the Veil mission, we spotted something odd in the distance. It’s a beacon for a Reapers Chest. But it looked very weird. So we went to investigate. As we got closer, we saw a brig and a sloop seemingly not doing much. The brig sank way before we could get close, but we found the source of the beacon on the sloop. It was not just one Reaper Chest though, it’s multiple chests. The beacons were all stacked on top of each other.
Of course, we took the reasonable course of action and attacked the sloop straight away. The sloop tried to run, but they upheld their honour and attempted to fight us off. Considering we were on a galleon, the sloop had no chance, but they died an honourable death. And upon the sinking of the sloop, we saw so… much… loot. Clearly this sloop had been stacking treasure, and now it all belonged to us. Complete with four Reaper Chests.
Not wanting to make the same mistake the sloop had made, we rush off to immediately sell the Reaper Chests, before anyone could spot us. We made our way to the Reaper’s Hideout and got some nice cash for our efforts. But we were now carrying a lot of loot, as well as multiple high rank emissary flags, so we needed to act fast. We then proceeded to do one of the fastest Veil clears ever, with us all effortlessly destroying the forts.
With all that said and done, it was time to start selling. The last thing we did before I finished up was selling the emissary flags that sloop had ‘gifted’ to us.
Simply put, we made great money, did great work for the ledger and even sold a rank 5 flag, earning Fox a commendation. It was a great adventure, and I can’t wait until the next one.