Another Awesome Adventure on the Stormcloud
Sometimes, we don’t play as Reapers when we play Sea of Thieves. Sometimes, we want to do other stuff. For example, Bacxaber, Fox and I wanted to do Merchant Emissary missions in order to level up our ledger. The ledger can give out some pretty nice rewards, and these tend to rotate on the regular. To get all the rewards, you need a certain amount of emissary value, which can be obtained by raising an emissary flag and selling loot for whatever faction you decide to join. This time round, we were doing Merchants, specifically Lost Shipments.
Most of this went by quietly. We briefly joined an alliance with a sloop, but they were just doing commendations and left just before we were about to sell. In fact, we did four Lost Shipment voyages, and made some alright gold. However, as we were finishing up, a rank 1 Reaper appeared at the Reapers’ Hideout, alongside a ship with the red Battle Flag (which marks you on the map). So we decided to lower our Merchants flag, raise as Reapers and head on over to see what was going on.
By the time we got there though, the Battle Flag ship was gone. But we were left with a now rank 2 Reaper, which we immediately went to fight. This battle didn’t last very long, since they were just a sloop, and we happily claimed their flag. However, after we killed them, there wasn’t really anyone else left to hunt. So we decided to head to a mermaid shrine, where we had picked up a quest.
However, all of a sudden, we were server-merged. This means that there were no longer enough people on the server we were sailing in, so we got merged into a new server with new people. And immediately, we found ourselves a new objective. There was a rank 5 Guild Emissary on the map. They may have been a galleon, but we had to take them. After all, we didn’t have that much loot, and a Guild Emissary flag would be the perfect loot.
As we approached, we realized that they were in the middle of a skeleton fleet. They clearly saw us before we saw them because they fired a white flare in the hopes that we’d leave them alone. Nope, we were coming for that flag, and quickly opened fire.
The first volleys were a bit scuffed because we were too far away, but we quickly began to land shots. Chainshots also went out, they took out our back sail but we took out two of their sails, slowing them down more than us. We both also managed to anchor each other, but we raised our anchor, allowing us to circle them. They tried to fight back, showering us with curse balls, but they didn’t stick. They even tried to use two Wraith Balls, which are massive, ghostly cannon blasts that cause tons of damage. When this happened, I was already below deck, meaning these balls didn’t do that much damage.
What surprised us though was, as we attempted to board each other, their crew was stacked! They had a Brave Vanguard on board, as well as a skinny ninja with rare tattoos and someone with the Ashen Curse. But the biggest player was a golden ghost, which meant they were over rank 1000 with the Guardians of Fortune. In comparison, I’m only level 20, and Bacxaber and Fox, who both play Hourglass, are only around level 200. This meant they were potentially a massive threat. We were also outnumbered, four players to three. I admit, I did get killed a couple of times. But they died too, and I met the skinny ninja and the gold ghost on the ferry. All I did was wave.
We kept on fighting though, and after they used all their cursed cannonballs, they slowly began to sink. We managed to get lots of holes onto both their decks, and as the water hit the second deck, they sank insanely quickly. Galleons can take a LOT of damage, but if you neglect your second deck, as soon as the water gets there, it can flood very fast. We watched as the ship dipped beneath the waves, and while Fox corrected our ship and I repaired, Bacxaber dived in to grab the rank 5 flag. Lots of loot floated to the surface.

But as we grabbed their loot, we knew they were going to come back. We ended up leaving a few things behind, mostly because we’d already picked up the all-important rank 5 Guild Emissary flag. They also had three other flags – a rank 5 Reaper flag, a rank 4 Gold Hoarders flag and a rank 1 Merchants flag. We grabbed as much as we could and immediately made our way to the Reapers’ Hideout, where we sold the high ranking flags. There wasn’t time to sell the rest of the loot though, as the galleon was already back, and, boy, they were mad. We were barely back on our ship as they approached us from the side.
We instantly opened fire, and Bacxaber managed to land three amazing chainshots. Already, the galleon was immobilized, and we began circling them, filling them with holes. This time round, they didn’t have any cursed cannon balls or anything, and it became a battle of attrition, one which we won, since we still had plenty of supplies. While Fox boarded, Bacxaber and I rained fire upon their cannoneers, killing three of them and giving us the chance to sink them.
For a second time, the guild galleon sank beneath the waves. We never saw them again.
Victorious, we went to sell the rest of the loot we had liberated from their ship. We made a good 200k from their loot alone, and boosted our Reapers ledger to over 2 million, securing us the highest rank rewards. It was an amazing battle, one we’ll never forget. Why? Because Bacxaber recorded the whole thing. Sea of Theives is awesome.