April Fools Day!
Okay so today is April Fools Day, but it’s also my birthday. Normally I’d do something stupid, make a stupid blog post about how my cat has taken over or something. Or maybe I’ll add a custom WordPress theme for a day or something. But no, I’m not doing that this year. I’m tired, I’ve been working hard and life is just all over the fucking place, so I’m going to just step back and take the day off. Luckily for me, here in Cyprus, April 1st is a national bank holiday, meaning I don’t have work and I can take the day off with zero consequences. I’m going to sit in my pants all day, sit at my laptop, do my daily 500 words and laze around watching videos of cute cats, or maybe play some video games. But I’m also going to do something else.

I’m not going to be writing Daily SPUF articles.
You’re sitting here, wondering, what is the April Fools joke this year? It’s a week of no Daily SPUF articles. Well, 6 days of no Daily SPUF articles. This thing you are reading here, this is a Daily SPUF article.
Now, before all three of you readers get into a panic, this isn’t me quitting or anything. I’m just taking a break. I’ve written so many articles lately that it’s starting to hurt. Most of the other writers are busy with their lives, and aabicus is currently being worked to death at his current job, but someone has to keep the daily part of the Daily SPUF going, and that responsibility rests on my shoulders. I’ve been diligently keeping things daily, even when WordPress decides to be a bastard and not properly publish articles. But I need a bit of a break, and I need some time to have a sit down and a think about other things. After all, I don’t get paid for any of this, and I have kept the site ad-free for years because ads are the fucking worst.
Still, I’m not going to leave you article-less for a whole week. In fact, I’ll probably still write a few Daily SPUF articles during the upcoming week, and once the week ends, we’ll get articles as normal. But during the next 6 days, I’ll be posting Phoviverse stuff instead. Whatever I wrote the previous day. Which may mean you might actually see more articles than usual, because I’ve been writing a LOT of fiction lately.
What you’ll most likely see is me bouncing between two story arcs: in the Phoviverse, there are two main ‘areas’, there’s the stuff going on within the New Panelixian Universe (the universe where the death god protagonist Arkay resides), and there’s the stuff going on outside the new universe, the Space Between Universes (where fellow protagonists Retvik and Litvir struggle to not get everyone killed). These story lines run concurrent with each other and have different arcs. Within the New Panelixian Universe, the current arc is that the deities of Life and Death are struggling to cover for their fellow deities, who are taking a break from their duties. Meanwhile, in the Space Between Universes, the Thantir (the group of misfits Litvir and Retvik run) have met up with a sect called the Phantai, and, while two of the Phantai’s leaders are fine, the last is a complete and utter lunatic.
Anyway, you can all look forward to seeing that. Mostly the Space Between Universes stuff, because that’s more interesting than Sini and Arkay complaining that dealing with both Life/Space and Decay/Time is a pain in the ass.
Enjoy. Or not. Either way, your normal video game articles will be back soon. Promise.