I’m Sorry

I’m sorry. After over 4100 daily articles, I can’t keep this website updated daily any more. I’ve tried, but enough is enough, I need to rest. Over the last few weeks, I’ve had basically no desire to write nonfiction articles that match the Daily SPUF’s tone. I’ve had a family member pass away and all the bullshit around that, I’ve had a period out of nowhere and over the last week or so, I’ve been absolutely floored by random pains across my body and a complete and utter lack of energy. I keep on getting anxiety attacks and the only comfortable thing I can do lately is sleep, assuming I have taken some painkillers or something. On top of suicidal tendencies and an all-round self-loathing, I just don’t have the strength to churn out 500 words of article every single day.

Simply put, I can’t keep the Daily SPUF daily any more. I’ve been running this show on my own for a long time now. Aabicus has been far too busy to write anything, and most of our old writers are in no position to write any more either. I’ve tried, I really tried, but I just can’t do it. At least, not any more. Frankly, it’s a miracle we got to over 4100 articles, because I was considering ending the Daily SPUF when we hit 4000 articles a while back. Writing an article takes time and energy that I no longer have, and it’s made worse by the fact that someone can just duplicate everything I do myself by using AI. At the same time I refuse to use AI because I often feel like it’s both taking the easy way out but also much worse in quality.

So what will happen from now on? Well, the website definitely isn’t going anywhere. I’ll leave it up as long as possible since I might as well, people do actually read this website. Not many, but they do. I’ll also still publish the occasional article if I think about something to write. When Warframe 1999 comes along, there will probably be a flurry of new articles. Same with Tennocon and maybe any decent Pokemon GO events. Although most recent Pokemon GO events have been pretty shit. And the new visual update has dropped my frames to sub-30FPS. Which makes the basic task of catching Pokemon particularly hard.

In the mean time, I might post a few Phoviverse story arcs here, if I write any interesting ones. It’ll probably be just Xeno Dessaron One stories because the Thantir storylines generally require a lot of additional context. That and following four silly adventurers is easier than keeping up with the much larger Thantir cast.

At some point I might find the strength to do daily articles again. But I need a break at the very least. Over the next few days, you might see a few more articles, but this might also be the last article for a while.

So yeah. I’m sorry. I did everything I could. But I have to stop now. I’m just so damn tired.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

2 thoughts on “I’m Sorry

  • May 1, 2024 at 12:47 pm

    I’m really sad to see this place go, its one of the few good blogs that are still left.
    I don’t think there’s any need to apologize here. You wrote 4000+ articles, mostly by yourself,
    for basically free. Blogging should be fun, if you’re too exhausted to continue, there’s absolutely no shame in just taking a step back. Looking forward to what you do next if you do decide to continue.

    Are you still going to approve articles by the way? If so, id love to help out by writing some more.

    • May 1, 2024 at 12:51 pm

      I’ll still be writing the odd article, and if things turn around for me in the future, I might start writing daily articles again, but for now, I’m taking a break. But I am still approving guest posts, so if you want to write, go ahead!


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