Why are all these spawns the same?
Okay so, new season here, and it’s… uh… off to a rocky start. At least, it is in my eyes. The release of the schedule for June has been a bit lame, what with Mega Rayquaza being stuck in Elite Raids (rather than a raid event like the Primals were), the Community Classic day being Cyndaquil (with no way of getting Blast Burn on Hisuian Typhlosian) and Goodra’s special Community Day move being Thunder Punch, a move that has just been given to a TON of other Pokemon for free. And while we got a really nice splash screen for this season, featuring classic Pokemon like Lapras, splashing in the water, it has nothing to do with the name of the season, Shared Skies.
But for me, the biggest problem is the spawns.
I… can’t see any difference.
In fact, the only difference I’ve seen so far is Scyther disappearing. The spawns are all just… Kanto, I guess. And the same stuff as last season.

Like, this is what is at home, a screenshot taken at 4pm on the 1st. The Fuecoco is my Daily Spawn, which spawned at midnight (before the spawns changed at 10am). The rest of it though, the Cutiefly and the Hitmontop are event spawns, the rest of them are normal spawns. And, aside from the Purloin behind my avatar, they’re all Kanto Pokemon. Pokemon I was seeing yesterday and the day before. Other Pokemon I’ve seen all over the place are Koffing, Venonat, Spearow. Looking at the Pokemon Radar, the nearby Pokemon are Koffing, Shellos, Sandshrew, Eevee, Mankey, Exeggcute and Meowth. ALL of them are Kanto spawns apart from Shellos, and ALL of them were spawning last season! The only odd Pokemon I’ve seen was a Treecko, who I do think is actually new, but it may have just swapped hemispheres.
Okay, granted, there IS an event going on. But even then, like, the spawns are… last season’s stuff. Pidgey and Machop are part of the event. You know, two Pokemon that were spawning in the wild all of last season. Cutiefly and Gligar are back, despite having been in events last season. Dodrio also appeared in an event last season too. Mienfoo is a nice new event addition, and Hitmontop, while being shit, is a good shiny to hunt, but Emolga has a new shiny and supposedly the featured Pokemon of the event and I’ve seen a grand total of one. Okay sure, Noibat also exists but Noivern (despite being one of my favs) is useless.
Still, when I went to the mall, a large Pokemon GO hotspot, I saw nothing special. The only cool things I’ve seen are a Tyrantrum on the radar and a wild Excadrill. While I did get one Mienfoo from the event, most of the Pokemon I saw were Kanto ones, with a large, large number of Zubat and Pidgey. Zubat in particular is annoying because it’s a pain in the ass to catch and has been spawning all over the place for ages.
Apparently Beldum is going to be a spawn for the northern hemisphere, but I haven’t seen one yet. Bronzor on the other hand, apparently that is buggering off to the South, and I’m kinda glad because it was the most common steel type Pokemon around here. But the other new northern hemisphere spawns, things like Clampearl and Hisuian Growlithe, well, isn’t Clampearl the same, and didn’t Hisuian Growlithe spawn in an event recently anyway?
Not that it matters. Most of these spawns are just… more Kanto Pokemon. We have over 1000 Pokemon now, over 300 if you ignore legendaries and evolutions. Why are we stuck with Kanto Pokemon again?