Κάποιος είπε να γράψω κάτι σε άλλη γλώσσα…

Δεν έχετε ιδέα τί έγραψα. Ούτε εγώ ξέρω ακριβώς τί έγραψα. Είμαι ο Γιατρός. Τα άλλα μέλη της ομάδας μου είναι ο Βαρύς, ο Κατεδαφιστής, ο Κατάσκοπος, ο Μηχανικός, ο Εμβρηστής*, ο Ανιχνευτής, ο Στρατώτης και ο Ελευθερος Σκοπευτής. Αχ, ψέματα λαλώ. Άλλαξαν το όνομα του. Τωρά είναι ο Ακροβολιστής. Όμως δεν έχουν αλλάξει το όνομά του σε μερικά, μικρά μέρη έξω από το παιχνίδι. Μην ανησυχείτε, θα σας δώσω μια μετάφραση μετά.
Το παιχνίδι στα Ελληνικά δεν είναι πολύ διαφορετικό. Εκτός από το φόντο, φάινεται το ίδιο. Οι φωνές στο παιχνίδι είναι στα Άγγλικα, αλλά τα περισσότερα είναι μεταφρασμένα, και έκαναν καλή δουλειά μ’αυτά. Επειδή θα ρίξετε ότι γράφω μεσα στο Google Translate, δεν θα γάφω πολλά. Η αυτόματη μετάφραση μεταξύ γλωσσών δεν είναι, χμ, έξυπνη ακόμα.

Translation of the above:
You have no idea what I wrote. I don’t know exactly what I wrote. I am the Medic. The other members of my team are the Heavy, the Demoman, the Spy, the Engineer, the Pyro, the Scout, the Soldier and the Free Shooter (exact translation). Ah, I’m telling lies. They changed his name. Now he is the Sniper. But in some parts of the game, they haven’t changed his name yet. Don’t worry, I’ll give you a translation after.
The game in Greek isn’t very different. Apart from the font, it looks the same. The voices in the game are in English, but most of it is translated, and they did a good job with it. Because you will throw this into Google Translate, I won’t write much. The automated translation between languages isn’t, hm, smart.
Alright, typing in Greek is a pain in the backside, so back to English. Plus, as I just said, automated translations aren’t that good.
So where was I? Ah yes. Team Fortress 2 in Greek is kinda amusing. There’s no official translation for the words Team Fortress, the same way most games don’t have their titles translated. Unfortunately, voices are not translated at all, and they remain in English. It’s probably for the best, because saying “That Sniper is a Spy!” would take forever. “Ο Ακροβολιστής είναι Κατάσκοπος!” See? Long.

What surprised me the most is just how much is translated. Map names aren’t translated, neither are most weapons and hats, but descriptions and stats for all weapons and many items in general are translated, and done well too. Of course, there are things that aren’t translated. While I mentioned weapons earlier, some stock weapons ARE translated, and the level, if it’s an actual real thing, is changed too. For example, Rocket Launcher, as it’s a real life object, is translated, but Medi Gun isn’t.
Some words though lack a translation and I’m not sure why. I always assumed that a Sticky Bomb remains as is because the alternative is hard to summarize in two words. Teleporter is translated, but Dispenser and Sentry Gun are not. Oddly, the Balloonicorn has a translation, but it’s only used within the item’s description.

Alright, I’m tired. I’d show you what it’s like for TF2 in other languages, but I’m only fluent in Greek and English. I could probably cope in a Spanish or a French Team Fortress.
*Fun fact. Pyro is masculine in Greek. No ambiguous gender here!
*begins tireless work on a Latin translation of Team Fortress 2*
I’m Spanish as well as English.
Spanish TF2 has a problem too. The voice-acting makes me cringe.
The weapons are translated, but they’re nowhere near as good (and make less sense).
Besides, I prefer English. Original voices and such.