On Owning Every Warframe Currently Available
The other day, I got Zephyr Prime to level 30, thus completing my journey into collecting and mastering every Warframe currently available in the game. I don’t have every single one in my inventory, a lot of Warframes with Prime variants got sold and replaced by Primes, but I’ve mastered all of them. At the same time, Warframe has overtaken Team Fortress 2 as my most-played game on Steam, and frankly that alone is impressive. I never thought any game would be as addictive as Team Fortress 2 was to me, let alone a free to play game that requires trading and a lot of technical knowledge.
But here I am, with every Warframe. Do I use all of them? No.

I’ll be honest, my profile page’s statistics don’t feel particularly accurate. I haven’t played Trinity Prime in a long-ass time but there she is, among my most-played frames. I didn’t even get Trinity Prime THAT early on. I hardly play her, specially when I can play Harrow and Oberon and much prefer doing so due to their much more fun abilities.
Then you have frames like Valkyr, Loki and Frost. It took me a long time to obtain the primed version of those frames – I got Frost Prime during the 2016 Tennobaum, I got Valkyr Prime about 2 months after she came out due to the hard-to-obtain rares in Axi relics and I only got Loki Prime in February of this year after he had been vaulted for so long. Before I got the Primes though, they were all staple Warframes for me. Frost was my second Warframe after Volt, and he got plenty of usage. Valkyr (who got gifted to me by a very nice person) for the longest time was my go-to tank character, because for some reason I had never gotten around to getting Rhino. Loki was who I used to try and farm for Ivara for a long time before I gave up and bought her, and was also my Warframe of choice for the War Within. I honestly wonder if his stats are so high because I got stuck in the War Within and couldn’t change my frame…
Out of those three, Frost and Loki still remain in my inventory. I felt bad selling them. Valkyr ended up getting replaced by Rhino. My original Volt didn’t get sold either. Him and I went a long way together, he doesn’t deserve to be sold.
Another interesting and highly-used frame is Nekros Prime. Funnily enough, he was he second Prime I obtained after Volt Prime, and he was also the first Prime my brother obtained. What’s weird with Nekros is that, despite not owning any of his augments for the longest of times, I’ve used him no problem. Normal Nekros though, I got him in 4 runs, leveled him up then got rid of him. I didn’t need him, I already had Nekros Prime.
After the Warframes shown above, everyone seems to hang around 0.2-0.3% usage. A lot of these Warframes are simply not used much for three reasons: either I leveled them and their Prime variants up and didn’t enjoy them, I have Warframes that do the same role and are more fun to play or they require a billion forma to be useful and I simply can’t be asked with that. Ash is a prime example here, I never liked his kit, and if I wanted invisibility and ninja sort of stuff, I’d play Loki or Ivara. Chroma should have been one of my most-used frames but he requires so many Forma that it’s not even funny. Doesn’t even have many play styles.

My least-used frame is Hydroid. Both Hydroid Prime and Hydroid sit right at the bottom with a 0.0% usage rate and almost no kills. They’ve been mastered and are fully leveled up, but I leveled them both while using an Affinity Booster – I was done with them after about 3 runs of Hydron each and never really used them again. And why would I when Nekros is a better looter and everyone else does better crowd control and damage?
Of course, Volt Prime is still at the top, with 40% usage. Normal Volt trails behind with 11% (although oddly that’s actually gone up from 10% since the last time I checked). Other frames though are slowly clawing their way up. Harrow has suddenly become a much-enjoyed frame of mine, especially with the huge amounts of overshields he can get, and Zephyr Prime is pretty nice as well.
I have no idea why Titania is so highly ranked though. I hardly play her.