The Many Pros and Cons of Eevee and its Eeveelutions, at Least in Pokemon Go

Eevee is cute as fuck. If you don’t look at that tiny little brown fox/cat/dog thing and squee internally, then you have no soul. It’s adorable. It wants to love you. It’s also genetically unstable and can mutate violently and at random. But that’s fine because Eevee is adorable and squishy and huggable and wonderful. Eevee’s evolutions, not so much. Really, the way you evolve an Eevee is kinda scary. The original trio of Eeveelutions, Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon, are all due to exposing an Eevee to a magical fire, thunder or water stone. According to Pokemon Red and Blue,… [Continue Reading]

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