A Calm, Simple Way to Farm Deimos Resources with a Flamethrower
I like fishing and mining in Warframe, but sometimes it can get really tedious. You can spend ages waiting for the time to change from Fass to Vome. Or maybe you get unlucky while mining. Quite often, I’ll constantly get attacked as I’m doing these tasks. And, after a while, standing in one spot for ages fishing gets boring. An alternate way to farm for resources consists of the Requiem pillars scattered around Deimos. But these are very hit and miss, and require constant nearby enemies. They also don’t feel nearly as useful as they used to be.
Thankfully, I have discovered a really simple, albeit slow, method of getting Deimos resources.

First off, Rolizor Infested Cysts.
Dotted all over the Deimos landscape are unique containers. Most of these are Rolizor Infested Cysts, but some are also Entrati Caskets. These cysts act just like normal canisters, except they can also contain small amounts of Cambion Drift resources. Not only do the cysts drop credits, energy and affinity orbs at high rates, but they have other good drops as well. You can get pretty much all common and uncommon fish parts and minerals/gems from Rolizor Infested Cysts. The Entrati Caskets have a higher chance of dropping the same resources, generally just in slightly higher amounts, and with more credits.
Because the density of these cysts is pretty high compared to other open worlds, you can actually just wander around and smash a bunch of them for resources! While you may only see a container every 200m or so on the Orb Vallis, Rolizor Cysts are EVERYWHERE on the Cambion Drift.
All you need is a weapon with ample punch-through.
The plan is simple. Head out south from the Necralisk and destroy every single canister you see. My preferred weapon is the Ignis, but you could use pretty much anything that deals area of effect damage. Ideally, you also want a Smeeta Kavat and/or a resource booster, but they’re optional.
My preferred route is to leave the Necralisk and follow the path south west, and destroy the large number of cysts in the Undulatum. Once everything has been destroyed there, I head south west Cerebrum Magna and Albrecht’s Prospect, where there seems to be a good chance of infested dogs and cats spawning. This then links to the biggest loot area, the Catabolic Gutter. After looping through all the caves, stopping only to catch the very easy Nexifera and Cryptilex spawns, before heading back to the Necralisk. By the time I’ve done this, all the cysts around the Necralisk and Undulatum will have respawned.
You can also just cycle around the edge of the Cambion Drift, destroying any containers you see. This is generally better if you want to bag more wildlife in the process.
Stealth is useful but optional.
I find the best gear to use, by far, is Ivara, with Hush installed on my Ignis. Enemies will mostly ignore you while visible and only get alerted if they see nearby enemies die. But even when alerted, most enemies will just stand around. Ivara is slow, but with the Prowl augment, she moves much faster. Ivara Prime’s huge energy storage and the constant energy orbs from destroying cysts mean you very rarely run out of energy. You can also use Ash or Loki for this too, but the duration of their invisibility is a lot shorter.
A Limbo could easily be used for this, but new enemies tend to… ignore Limbo being in the rift. And you’ll draw unwanted attention, as large, bubble-making hat frames tend to do. Plus, you have to leave the rift to pick up all the loot anyway, which defeats the more leisurely point of all of this.
“But why? Surely mining and fishing are more efficient!”
For mining, you’re probably right, especially because you can’t get the rare gems. But compared to fishing, this in fact can be easier and more efficient, especially when you consider the time of day. Vome is a shorter period than Fass, and has the more important fish. And, no matter what time it is, Infested will often murder everything anyway, making fishing tedious.
Farming this way also has absolutely no time limit. You can do it at any time of day, for as long as you want, while getting both mining and fishing resources at the same time.
Sure, it’s not the most efficient, but it’s definitely a change of pace.