3 Reasons Why You Should Be Playing Plague Star Right Now!

After what felt like an eternity, Plague Star is back in the Plains of Eidolon. This rather simple event involves not just Grineer but Infested too. Basically, the premise is that a meteor filled with Infested has crash-landed in the Plains of Eidolon, spreading their illness everywhere. The poor people in Cetus have no real way to protect against it, and thus hire the Tenno to help them.

Luckily, the task isn’t too difficult. All you have to do is steal some Grinner toxins, stick them in a mixer then use a drone to dump said toxin onto the massive infested boil in the middle of the map. On paper, that seems fine, but Plague Star is designed to slow people down. The entire bounty can travel over nearly the entirety of the Plains of Eidolon! Even with Archwing blinks, Nova portals and Loki switch-teleporting, there’s no real way to speed run this event. Plague Star makes you wait for a long time.

Plague Star is back.
Plague Star is back.

The question is though, why are people willing to slog through this tedious and boring event in the first place? It’s easy: the rewards for it are amazing.

Zaws and Exodias

I swear by my Infested Zaw parts. One of my most used weapons is a Plague Kripath rapier, and it has served me well, ever since it came out in the original Plague Star. These infested parts come with innate Viral damage, making them perfect for Condition Overload builds.

The exodias though are even better. Well, Exodia Contagion is. The ability to launch an attack from your sword sounds weird, but Contagion does huge amounts of damage. While Exodia Contagion has been somewhat nerfed (especially since it causes self-knock-back though), it is still very useful.

Unfortunately though, for a full set, you’re going to need a TON of standing. When Plague Star was originally released, the Exodia arcanes were blueprints and cost 500 each to buy from Nakak – you had to build them yourself. Now though, a single Exodia Contagion costs 5000 standing. It’s a lot, but I do think it’s worth it.


The more obvious reason to play this version of Plague Star is the Ghoulsaw. You know that massive buzz saw that the Ghouls can be seen using? Well, finally, after a long, long wait, we can use the Ghoulsaw ourselves.

The bad news though is that you need to do quite a few runs. The Ghoulsaw is composed of four components, which are bought from Nakak alongside the Ghoulsaw Blueprint. Each part however costs 4000 standing with Nakak. This means that you need to do about 6 full Plague Star bounties (including killing all 4 Hemacytes) to get the whole new melee weapon. But you also need an additional 4000 standing to buy the stance mod from Nakak too.

However, it has not been made clear where the Ghoulsaw will drop after the event ends. I assume that the Ghoulsaw’s blueprints will be added as rewards from killing Ghouls on the Plains of Eidolon, or by doing Ghoul bounties. Either of those are alright places, but, knowing DE, they might also make the Ghoulsaw insanely rare, or even tie it to Plague Star, meaning we might only be able to get it once a year.


Frankly though, all of this pails in comparison to the humble and always-needed Forma. Plague Star is an event that flat out lets you obtain not just Forma Blueprints, but fully built Forma! The grind isn’t even that bad to obtain these Forma. Okay, yes, I complained earlier that Plague Star is a very slow mission. But it’s worth it for all the Forma. Especially since we have so many 5-forma monsters to level up now.

While, yes, you can build a Forma every 23 hours, getting pure, unadulterated Forma from Plague Star is insanely useful. One full run of Plague Star gets you enough standing to buy one Forma. Nowhere else in Warframe can you get such a good reward as a fully built Forma.

So, uh, what are you waiting for? Start grinding and get those lovely rewards!


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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