My MR31 Volt Build
Your Starter Warframe can be very hit or miss. While the choice of starter Warframes can be easily fixed by getting Rhino on Venus, there’s always a sentimental feel about your very first Warframe. In my case, I am probably WAY too attached to my Volt. That’s pretty obvious by now. After all I have written a ton of articles about my Volt.
The question is, now that I’m such a high level, has my Volt build changed at all?
Let’s find out!

Well, well, well? What do we have here? It’s a very weird build that makes no sense. There’s no Umbral Forma, but there is an Aura Forma in this build. In total, I have used 4 Forma and one Orokin Potato. Not the most expensive build but still needs a bit of work. The Aura Forma though is completely optional. You can just use one of the weapon-damaging auras if you don’t want Corrosive Projection. Either way though, reducing armour is always a good thing.
What’s the rest of the build for? A jack of all trades, of course. This build is used for general use across the star chart. The way I see it, it’s better to be average at doing a task rather than being unable to do one at all. For that reason, I have balanced mods, and haven’t dumped any specific stat in particular.
“Hang on, this looks like your other Volt build!”
You know what? You’re absolutely right. It is very similar! However, the original all-rounders build was designed back in a time where I never forma’d Warframes at all. Leveling up Warframes was very tedious at the time. Every Forma added meant that I’d have to start again at level 0, with only a handful of mods you can fit in. Forma-ing a Warframe also kicked you out from doing Sorties or Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. It always sucked, having to use a third of a build and being unable to do much before reaching level 10. Hence why I was MR26 when I decided to start using Forma on any Warframe. The first one I used went on Volt.
This build is, technically, an upgraded version of the original All Rounders Volt build. I have all my attacks available, as well as shield-refilling from Capacitance and the brief enemy stuns as I run past people. The level of Speed isn’t the greatest, but it’s less likely to piss off other players, who aren’t used to running at the speed of light. Electric Shield is also present and can come in useful in iffy situations. It also allows me to protect targets, for example, in Mobile Defense, if no one else can do the job.
I’ve also added some Arcanes. In this case, I have Arcane Energize and Arcane Warmth. The reason behind Energize is pretty obvious. Arcane Warmth not so much. I actually change the second Arcane as needed, using the element-immunity mods. Being immune to cold or toxin is pretty nice. But really, the main reason I use Arcane Warmth is so I can run past cold barrels and not be slowed down.
The biggest change is Primed Sure Footed.
And it’s so worth it. Despite being a very expensive mod, it does a huge amount of work for me. Seriously, you have no idea how great Prime Sure Footed is until you’ve maxed it and put it on a squishy Warframe. Especially since we are getting more and more explosive weapons.
But Primed Sure Footed is also generally a really useful mod. Ancients and Scorpions with their grab attacks aren’t as effective, anything with knock-downs are basically neutered.
Overall? Mostly the same.
The four-forma build of mine is honestly just a better version of my old all-rounder Volt build. Forma’ing Volt wasn’t exactly fun and I doubt I’ll forma him any further. But having stuck these forma into my dear starter frame has been fun, and I can finally move away from my old, rather gimped builds. At the same time, I have so much flexibility with this Volt build. I’d recommend it to anyone who doesn’t want to min-max their Warframes.
All I need now are more cosmetic slots. 6 isn’t enough…