Confusion with New Mastery Ranks

“Hey! What are you doing here?” Volt glanced away from the console he was trying to hack, so he could see who was shouting at him. “Uh, hacking the console so we can leave this ship before it explodes?” Volt replied calmly. The Tenno in person was a Gauss, with all the armour he could fit on his body. “You’re not supposed to be in this Sortie mission!” “Uh, why not?” With a flick of his wrist, Volt retracted his Parazon and started heading towards extraction, as did the rest of the team. However, the Gauss kept on sprinting forward… [Continue Reading]

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The Desire for Cookies

I love cookies. Cookies are great. They are the perfect happy snack. Small and round and thoroughly enjoyable. Unfortunately, they’re also really bad and naughty. “British Cookies or American Cookies?” Well, both. Unlike its similar friend, the humble biscuit, confusing cookies with each other isn’t really an issue. In both UK English and USA English, the first thing that popped to mind is a chocolate chip cookie. However, the real difference depends mostly on how soft the cookie is. American cookies are normally considered to be quite soft, even maybe a little chewy. Most British cookies are somewhat hard, and… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Top 5 Favourite Secondary Weapons in Warframe

Secondary weapons in Warframe are kinda odd. On the one hand, they are much smaller than primary weapons. But secondary weapons are also a tad more… gimmicky. Because secondary weapons are smaller, and simpler to use, you end up getting a LOT of variance. On top of that, we have a lot of akimbo, double gun options, which Primaries have no access to. And, amusingly, secondary weapons can often be more powerful than primary weapons. But that’s a discussion for another time. Anyway, here are my top five Warframe secondary weapons. Kuva Twin Stubbas I like guns that go daka… [Continue Reading]

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3-Star Raids still kinda suck

A while back, 2-Star and 4-Star raids were removed from Pokemon GO. The remaining raid bosses were split between 1-Star and 3-Star raids, with Legendary Raids left as they are. The idea was pretty simple, Niantic wanted more people to do raids. With so much variation and choice in raids, it became a little too much for the average raider to do, well, any of them. A smaller pool of raid bosses would bring players together and do more raids. On top of all that, having so many raids meant heavily splitting the player base. 4-Star raids required a team… [Continue Reading]

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Treating Myself with a New Pair of Wings in Warframe

The other day, I was browsing through my fashion loadouts for Volt. As you might expect, I have already bought the extra loadout slots for both Volt and Volt Prime. However, as I was trying to work out a new look for the only Tennogen skin I own, I stumbled across a Tennogen Syandana. All of a sudden, I had a desperate need to buy the Night Hunter Wings Syandana. I just had to have it, it works so well on my already-infested Volt look. So, for the first time in ages, I decided to treat myself. I went and… [Continue Reading]

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Editor’s note: The article you are about to read was originally written in 2008 by my mum, an all-round amazing woman. Today is the day she left us, so, instead of writing something myself, I am publishing this article in her memory. Mum was simply the best, kindest person ever, always pleased to see you. She also loved swearing and creating new insults. It’s an honour to be able to share some more of her work with you. I hope you all enjoy this sliver of my mum’s brilliance and insanity. Rated R, of course. IT IS BIG AND IT… [Continue Reading]

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5 Weapons I’d Like To See in Warframe

There are many, many weapons in Warframe. We have everything from your standard automatic rifle, to powerful shotguns, all the way to arm cannons and infested bow that pull enemies together. We have so many weapons. Hundreds of them. However, there are still a few things that we don’t yet have in Warframe. So here are 5 types of weapon I’d like to see in Warframe. Spears and Lances Warframe has plenty of large, hard-hitting melee weapons. We have giant swords, giant hammers and various polearms. However, there’s a very specific type of weapon that is missing: the spear. One… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Top 5 Favourite Primary Weapons in Warframe

There are a LOT of weapons in Warframe. So many in fact that it’s easy to lose track of what you have and have not mastered. Every update almost certainly brings a new weapon or two with it, as do new Prime Access thingies. Many weapons are overlooked or plain forgotten about. As for me though? I’ve reached Legendary 1, the formerly mythical MR31. And after all these years, I can finally relax and just use the weapons I want. Rather than rushing through things for Mastery. So here are my top five favourite primary weapons in Warframe. Kuva Bramma… [Continue Reading]

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An Assortment of Things I Hate in the Team Fortress 2 Comic Series

So, the other day, I was discussing Team Fortress 2 lore with a friend. Together, we thought about lots of cool ideas. In fact, at some point, we are considering working together to re-write our own version of the Team Fortress 7-part series. But while we chatted, a lot of things came to my mind. While I do love the TF2 comics, there are a handful of things that really piss me off. In this article, I am not going to use spoilers. The last issue of the TF2 comic series came out over 4 years ago. Why did TFC… [Continue Reading]

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5 Weird and Rare Things in my Team Fortress 2 Inventory

It’s been ages since I last looked at my Team Fortress 2 inventory. But I was spurred into having a look again after doing a commission for a friend. They wanted to pay in TF2 keys. Sounds strange, but it’s more fun than paying via Paypal or whatever. Either way, I was reminded of all the weird stuff I have in my backpack. Turns out, I have a LOT of weird stuff. An un-craftable Vita-Saw We’re going to start off cheap here. At first glance, an un-craftable Vita-Saw doesn’t seem that interesting. However, most un-craftable weapons are technically unique, because… [Continue Reading]

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