A Collection of Evil Pokemon
Sometimes it’s nice to make your own fun, do your own things. While playing Pokemon GO, I tend to clear out backpack space all the time, and get rid of Pokemon with low stats and low CPs. However, a while back, my brother started collecting Pokemon that had 69 CP. He’s built a big collection, and he also suggested that I do something similar.
The number I chose? 666. Because why not. I had considered doing either 42 or 404, but 666 just looks more appealing to me.
They’re not actually evil.
Well, as far as I’m aware, they’re not evil. It’s just a collection of Pokemon with the same CP as the ‘number of the beast’. But it does amuse me, having so many of them. It’s a simple but random collect-a-thon which I can do in my spare time. It’s quite simple: I catch Pokemon with a CP of 666, favourite them and then stick the word “evil” somewhere in their names. The naming system isn’t as nice as, well, naming all 69CP Pokemon “nice”, but it works well enough.
Speaking of which, I have quite a few interesting 666 CP Pokemon. Most of them, I only ever have one of, my favourite being Tropius. I also have Meltan, Galarian Darumaka, and a lucky Snivy in my collection.
Unfortunately, I only have one shiny 666 Pokemon that I found in the wild, a Snorunt. The other shiny CP666 Pokemon that I have (Drowzee and Alolan Geodude) were powered up to 666. There are a handful of duplicates, but most of them are one-offs. However, I have 5 CP 666 Pikachus, 4 of which are wearing hats from various events. The only Pokemon even close to that are 3 Arons, 3 Gastlies and 3 Charmanders.

They take up quite a bit of space
In fact, since I have over 50 of them now, these Pokemon take up a lot of valuable Pokemon storage, more than a standard 200-pokecoin upgrade for your storage. However, I have tons of Pokemon that I’ve kept for one reason or another. I currently have about 1900 storage for all my Pokemon and I am using 1800 of those slots. There are plenty of things I could delete to make more space, but that takes time and effort to do. And you never know when some sort of event will pop by featuring a Pokemon you have been saving for ages.
On the flip side, finding and catching 666CP Pokemon is literally just random luck. But it’s no more difficult than checking for shines or hunting 0% IV Pokemon. Mostly because you can quickly glance whether it’s CP666 or not; you’re not reliant on catching every single Pokemon just to find crap (or good) IVs. While my 666 collection is still growing, it’ll probably never reach the number of 69CP Pokemon my brother has.
Screenshoting them doesn’t feel as good.
Considering I’ll never use any of these Pokemon, taking a screenshot of 666CP Pokemon would save me a good amount of space. After all, you can fit a lot more screenshots into your phone’s image gallery than Pokemon you can catch in Pokemon GO. However, that just isn’t as fun as keeping an actual collection. After all, no one wants to look at at screenshots, right? Right?