Probably the Worst Timed Research Ever

Just before the Johto tour event, Pokemon GO had a “restocking” event where we could save up Pokeballs for the upcoming tour. Called the Poké Ball Prep Rally, it is designed to give you plenty of Pokeballs. The bonuses of this event were that your buddy would bring extra Pokeballs as gifts and some ball-shaped Pokemon were spawning. Oh, and this event also included probably the worst Timed Research I’ve ever seen. 100% NOT WORTH IT! The timed research for this prep rally were as follows: Spin Pokestops, send gifts and open research tasks. Do those three once, then do… [Continue Reading]

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The Johto Tour – A Mild Opinion

Back on Saturday, we got our second ever Pokemon Tour event, this time visiting the Johto region. During this tour, we saw Pokemon from different areas of Johto spawning in particular biomes, with the spawns changing every hour. Alongside the event, we had tons of raids and shinies to grab, and a massive collect-a-thon, in which we could catch the entirety of the Johto Pokedex. However, was the Johto tour as good as the Kanto tour in 2021? Well, I guess… The Johto Tour was mostly just like the Kanto Tour. The biomes were the same, as were the Pokemon.… [Continue Reading]

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Attack Form Deoxys and a Desire for more Solo Raids

As of writing, we’ve got Deoxys in raids in Pokemon GO. But it’s not just any Deoxys, we got Attack Form Deoxys. What’s so special about that? Well, Attack Form Deoxys is one of the very, very few level 5 raids you can fight solo and actually win. The last time Deoxys’s forms were around, I didn’t have as good a team as I wanted, but also lacked the confidence. This time though, I had no such problems. Defeating a Level 5 Raid is generally hard For most Legendary raids, you will need at minimum one or two extra players.… [Continue Reading]

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Smart and Oblivious

While playing Destiny 2 earlier, I found myself in a mission that I had never seen before. Apparently there was a ziggurat that needed to be protected from the Vex and their corrupting energy. It took me far too long to work out what I had to do, and I basically failed the mission a bunch of times because I didn’t get it. I had to get some help on the matter. Alongside that help came a small nugget of embarrassment. How could someone as smart as me not understand that the Vex weren’t allowed near the main structures? Now,… [Continue Reading]

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6 Small Bits of Affinity and Experience that You Probably Missed in Warframe

I’ve always seen Warframe as a bit of a collect-a-thon. There are so many different things to farm and level up. But while there is vast amounts of obvious affinity to be earned, some things just aren’t as visible or as easy to access than others. However, if you wish to squeeze out every last drop of experience, then there’s a few places you can check on. This article is about those easily missed affinity gains, ones you might not realize. Vandal/Wraith weapons The Grineer, Corpus and Infested all have their own weapons, but a few of them are locked… [Continue Reading]

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Motivation and Exercise – Better Something than Nothing

As the weather warms up in the northern hemisphere, people start looking forwards to spring and summer. But if they’re anything like me, they may be dreading about how to get a nice summer body. After all, we all chunk up for Christmas, and it’s all cold and horrible in January and February. The motivation to get up and start exercising is generally very low. Sometimes, it gets so low that one decides they can’t be bothered to get out of chair, or out of bed even. However, no matter your age, it’s always good to exercise, even if it’s… [Continue Reading]

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Everyone Has a Spot of Art in them

Every other Thursday, I join a small local group of people, and we all do some sort of arty thing. The arty thing (which I have referenced in the past) is both a small social event and a chance to make something nice. Normally, we all do something along the same theme. For example, we recently did some nice glass painting. But for one arty session, we were presented with a pile of art supplies and some nice, gloss card, perfect for making greetings cards. This time, we all let our creative juices flow, and they all flowed out in… [Continue Reading]

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Mara Sov Fucks Up Again

I normally don’t write much about Destiny 2’s lore. There is so much of it that I find it hard to follow. While there are some great youtube channels that explain the lore, it is all still very messy. However, there is one bit of lore that I do kinda try to follow, especially as Witch Queen comes out. Today though, there is one particular character I want to discuss. Mara Sov, the current queen of the Awoken, always seems to piss me off. And now she’s done something incredibly dumb. Again. While I can understand occasionally fucking up, pretty… [Continue Reading]

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Damn Axi Relics

Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of relics in Warframe. After all, I have like 4000 hours in this game, and a lot of it was spent opening relics. However, looking at my slowly shrinking relic collection, there’s an obvious theme going on. I have way, way too many Lith relics, a lot of Meso and Neo relics and… very few Axi relics. Limited farming spots Weirdly, Axi relics are actually kinda hard to farm. The best place to get Axi relics is via Disruption missions, particularly on Lua. Aside from that though, options are limited. Bounties for… [Continue Reading]

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Warframe Cosmetics that don’t require Platinum

Looking cool can be quite costly in Warframe. The majority of cosmetics tend to require Platinum to purchase. And some cosmetics, namely Tennogen and Prime stuff, can only be bought with real money. However, just because you are on  budget, doesn’t mean you can’t look handsome too. Here are some options for the frugal Tenno. Baro Ki’Teer’s shop Baro comes every two weeks with new gear from the void, most of which is cosmetic. However, the quality of his gear is all over the place. Sometimes he’ll bring back a cosmetic from the past (like the Harkonar Wraith armour) but… [Continue Reading]

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