We need more dual primary weapons.
Do you know what the best primary weapon in Warframe is? Well, unlike Warframes, there’s no definitive answer, because everyone likes different things. One of my favourite weapons is the Grakata, a crusty, pointy rifle used by the Grineer on occasion. I could also call the Kuva Bramma as one of my favourites. Or perhaps the Supra Vandal, especially when you give it fire rate and not much else. Other people may answer all sorts of stuff, like the Soma Prime or the Opticor. With so many weapons to choose from, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
However, there is always the option of making more weapons with very little difficulty. We need some more fun dual weapons.
Okay, I might not ‘need’ more twin weapons, but I certainly ‘want’ more of them.
No matter what anyone says, the Twin Grakatas are amazing. Sure the accuracy might be poor, but if you take one good gun then add another, only awesomeness awaits. In the case of the Twin Grakatas, the gun works perfectly well. The standard single Grakata does pretty good damage and is pretty inaccurate, and the Twin Grakatas inherit that.

We do have plenty of other twin or dual weapons, but most of those are secondaries in the first place. Another favourite of mine, the Stubba, has a Twin Stubba variant as well. However, we can go further.
What weapons would make for cool Twinned versions?
There are already a bunch of dual-wielded weapons. Many of the Tenno-made weapons though are just two of one secondary weapon, like the Aklex or the Dual Cestra. These weapons aren’t too crazy and they’re all also secondaries. We want to look at making a primary weapon into a secondary dual weapon. It might give a chance for a lot of lower damage weapons to get indirectly buffed. After all, the Boltor and Harpak are both underused weapons, but wouldn’t it be cool if we could hold two of them? A lot of Grineer weapons actually work quite well here, and we don’t need to worry too much about accuracy at all.
I think one of the best options though might be the Opticor, which is already very large. Despite that, a Twin Opticor would still be insanely cool. But would a Dual Opticor be too cool? Unlike the Grakatas, the Opticor is mostly firing big beams of energy and requires a bit of a charge-up. I still think it’d be cool though.
However, we can still go further. After all, there are plenty of weapons that could do with being doubled.
What about Twin Grattler?
Okay, now I’m getting a little silly. But funnily enough, a twin Archwing Gun exists. The Dual Decurions are an underused Arch Gun which is literally firing two massive guns at once. Sadly though, it’s not very popular, especially since better Arch Guns exist. Not even a Prisma Dual Decurions from Baro Ki’Teer could do anything to help with its unpopularity. A Twin Grattler though would be a huge amount of fun. You’d be permanently staggered by the Grattler’s explosive rounds though. Maybe it’d be better to make a twin Imperator instead, something slightly more stable. Perhaps the Phaedra, the Soma’s and Akstilettos’ big sister, could get a dual weapon treatment too.
A Dual Mausolon though might be overdoing it.

However nothing really beats the Arquebex, the exalted twin weapon of the Necramech Voidrig. Even though it has been nerfed, it still does absolutely huge amounts of damage. The only downside is that you have to be in your Voidrig and stuck in one place to use it. Not that it really matters, because, no matter what, everything around you will die.
Still, no matter how stupid things get, you can always double that stupidity. After all, the Twin Grakatas are both cool and stupid, yet they exist without any problems.