Ephemera Troubles
I love Ephemera. They’re basically unusual effects but for Warframes. And ever since the first few Ephemera effects have come out, they’ve turned out to be insanely popular. After all, these effects can give so much life to a Warframe and their fashion. However, as time passes on, these Ephemera are getting bigger and brighter. We’ve gone from little bits of melting snow to full on massive wings.

How much is too much?
There’s a lot of variety when it comes to Ephemera. On the one hand, you can have little leaves appear by your feet as you walk. On the other hand, we have massive demon wings. And we also have a lot of effects in between them. After all, a bunch of skulls floating around your body is mush more powerful than three small orbiting orbs. So are three dragons circling your body. In fact, quite a few of these effects could be split off to make other Ephemera. The Spore Ephemera is a good example of that – the red and black strips of energy seem too much alongside the massive growths of infestation.
Both the Sister and Lich Ephemera are also very cool. But I much prefer the simplicity of the Vengeful effects series compared to the Sisters’ series. You can see what they are straight away. Sister ones are a little too varied and only look their best when standing still.
And as much as I love wings, I’ll be honest, the two wing Ephemera are a little too much. They’re huge and bulky and you can barely see past them. To their credit though, they are some very nice wings. I just don’t get why they’re so big.

Seriously, it boggles the mind. Why ARE these ones so big?
Poor Step Ephemera are kinda wasted.
When Ephemera were first released, they were supposed to be rewards for doing challenging things. Getting both Freezing Step and Shocking Step were rare rewards for fighting Exploiter Orb; Blazing Step is a rare drop from Railjack bosses; and Seeding Step has a low drop chance in Arbitrations, having a 5% chance to appear on rotation C.
Meanwhile Smoking Body was a rare drop from Stalker. Alongside Blazing Step, these first generation Ephemera required a bit of luck and a bit of a challenge to obtain. They were also very expensive to craft. Each one needs 1 million credits, as well as a Warframe part depending on the effect. But why would anyone want these Ephemera when the Lich Ephemera are far easier and cheaper to obtain. Oh and they actually look good while you’re standing still.
Why can’t I have my eggs or inflatable ring?
Sadly though, not all Ephemera are permanent. There are two seasonal Ephemera that are only available during specific events. And, unfortunately, one of them is actually one of my favourites. Spring Step places little eggs on your feet while running, just like the Step Ephemera.

And the Dog Days Ephemera is frankly too cute. Why is it among my favourites? I don’t know, but I so dearly love it. But for some reason, these two Ephemera are both temporary.
At least there are plenty of other good Ephemera that I can use. But Dog Days is my fav, it’s so silly and whimsical.