The upcoming Warframe update, Angels of the Zariman, will bring a lot of new stuff to customize. We’ll get another home to decorate, and, after years of asking, we’ll be able to put different textures on parts of our Warframes. The ability to apply textures as well as colours has been simmering in the background for years. And soon, with a bit of grinding, we’ll finally have it… Only for special skins though, as it would take forever to update all other skins.

However, Warframe isn’t quite at peak customization yet. There are still plenty of things that need to be customizable. Like the things in this article.
Helmets and Colour Channels
If you have ever tried to use a skin and a non-matching helmet, you probably have an idea of how much of a pain it can be. A good example is Oberon and his deluxe skin. Oberon has some great helmets, but when you combine them with the feyarch skin, things stop matching up. It’s even worse the other way around, the feyarch helmet does not take colours from other skins very well. This happens to pretty much every Warframe, doubly so if you are using a deluxe skin.
However, there is a really easy solution for this: make it so helmets can be customized separately from the rest of the Warframe. We can already colour Syandanas separately from everything else, so why not helmets? At the very least, it would open up a lot of new options to make different helms and skins work together. Especially with deluxe skins.
Ephemera need a separate menu as well
Currently, Ephemera tend to use odd channels for their energy effects, and they don’t make much sense. The Ephemera are generally coloured in based on your armour and energy slot. Just like helmets though, a similar menu should be applied for Ephemera, giving full colour channels for the Ephemera alone. To be fair, the colour channels on Ephemera do already work pretty well, but seem lackluster if you aren’t using something that has been forma’d. The more physical Ephemera, like the wings and the Dog Days ring, would benefit hugely from having their own channels.
Control over how your Warframe wears armour and Syandanas
I think the biggest customization thing of all would be able to customize how we wear our main pieces of customization. We have had armour and Syandanas for years, and they tend to be placed differently on every Warframe. Apparently, each armour piece is attached by hand on our Warframes. But even then, some armour looks weird and some Syandanas don’t sit the same on different Warframes. Being able to tweak our own armour would open up a HUGE amount of extra customization.
What’s interesting though is that a similar system is in place, but ONLY for Melee weapons. Melee weapons can be moved around on your Warframe’s back, and there are options to purchase specific positions for your weapons. It would be nice to do this with Syandanas and armour too.
Proper pet colours
I find it odd that animal companions have so few colour options. If you want to colour in anything made in the incubator, you have to buy separate colours for them, you can’t use your own colour palettes. But those palettes are only for animal companions, and the colours are all rather washed out. There’s very little brightness, and it’s made worse by the weird colour channels that animals have. This can leave you with a companion that doesn’t match your Warframe at all. It would be so much nicer just to be able to use colours we already have in our colour palettes.
You also can’t wear skins and armour at the same time, which is a real shame. I’d love to see the Moonless Kavat or the Hyekka skin wearing some Kavat armour too.
So yeah, there you have it. More customization! We need more! And, fingers crossed, if we ask enough, we might actually get it…