How Does This Jump Jetpack Thing Even Work?
I like my Warlock in Destiny 2. While I keep my yellow Exo covered up at all times, I’ve had the Exo for so long that I don’t mind how yellow and ugly my character looks. Not only that, but I enjoy the gameplay and the abilities of Warlocks too. My current favourite is Void Warlock, and I am working on a build so I can throw more grenades on the regular.
However, there is one thing I despise about my Warlock.

What the fuck is this jumping ability?
I’ve been playing Destiny 2 for a while and I still don’t really get it. You jump and then you can jump again while in midair to do some sort of glide. The glide works alongside momentum, meaning that you can be blown around by explosions and other knock back effects.
The glide itself has a couple of different options though. Depending on what you pick, you can have more speed, more control or a balance between the two. But I honestly don’t really feel the difference between them. I tend to have mine balanced, but I’ve also never fancied more speed. Directional control feels more important, but I also don’t want to be too slow. Then again, I’m slow no matter what because I typically don’t have much mobility on my Warlock.
Either way, I find controlling my jumps to be insanely hard. And since Destiny 2 is incredibly harsh when it comes to falling into holes, all I do is make my own life a misery. You know how Destiny 2 Raid encounters are hard? None of them compare to the parkour puzzles needed to actually get to said encounters. The first time I did Vow of the Disciple, I spent more time on a parkour jump course trying to reach the next encounter, as I did actually playing said encounter.
What counts as a jump?
My biggest problem though is catching ledges and rocks and stuff. Sometimes, when you jump, you can catch on a little ledge, and the game will think “ok you jumped, no more control”. So you basically plummet to your doom, having tripped over a rock or something. You can grab edges and pull yourself up, but it is not in any way reliable. Except when you don’t need it.
Titans can have a similar issue, but their jump feels more like using a jetpack, rather than the little puffs of energy Warlocks use to jump. I have made a titan in order to compare. It feels similar but weirdly better as well. Hunters on the other hand just get a triple jump.
Blinking is worse.
Funnily enough, in the Void subclass, there’s a second type of jumping movement. It’s a blink, which basically teleports you forward. You’d think a short teleport would be more useful than weird jetpack movement but you’d be wrong. In fact, in the short time where I tried to use a blink, I’d just get myself killed even more.
What’s more upsetting though is that there is an Exotic helmet that gives you a better blink. It still sucks though.
“But Medic, you can just practice.”
Yeah, I have been practicing. It’s still a really awkward way of jumping though.
Actually, while we’re at it, there’s one other thing that bothers me. Why don’t we float while we’re idle? When in your arsenal screen, your character floats in mid air, holding a gun in one hand and a magic light grenade in the other. But 99% of Warlocks stand on two feet.
It makes no sense to me. I’ll just have to keep on falling into pits…