A Mad Dash to the Finish Line in Destiny 2
Around about now, the Season of the Risen in Destiny 2 is coming to an end. Originally, after I finished up with the Witch Queen, I kinda just decided I was done with Destiny 2 for a bit, and went to play something else. However, I had failed to realize that there was something I wanted in the premium season pass: a cool emote. An emote right at the very end of the current season pass.
At the time, I kinda said I wouldn’t do it. I didn’t fancy grinding up a whole season pass, and I wasn’t sure that I’d have enough time. Although I’ve completed a season pass before, I recalled it taking ages to get to level 100. In the previous season though, since it was all pre-Witch Queen, we had way, way more time than usual to rank up with the season pass. Even I managed to get to around rank 120, and I wasn’t particularly trying too hard. Slow and steady and all that.
This time round though, I was somewhat far back in Season of the Risen. I had returned to playing Destiny 2 about halfway through Season of the Risen, before then, I had hardly touched Destiny 2. After finishing the Witch Queen, I was happy just to aimlessly chill for a while. But that season pass still lingered in my thoughts. I wanted that emote. Even with it being so far away.
In the end, I found myself stuck in a bit of a loop. I’d make great progress, then get annoyed and stop playing for a bit. I did this several times, mostly after getting seasonal challenges done. At rank 90, I actually hit a bit of a roadblock, mostly because I’d claimed a ton of seasonal challenges, and they didn’t give me as much experience as I wanted. Luckily though, I did manage to do a couple more seasonal challenges done, and I hard pushed through to level 99.
Then, finally, 5 days before the season ended, I completed a “Advanced Handgun Calibration” bounty, and that pushed me to level 100.

In hindsight, I kinda shouldn’t have bought the season pass. Or pushed myself at all. The €15 I spent honestly wasn’t worth it. I could have bought a lot more with my €15. Heck, I actually considered getting to level 100 and not buying the pass. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted my end goal to be. Did I just want to finish the season pass? Did I just want the wings? Or was I just being an indecisive pain in the butt.
At the end of the day though, I had done so much just for one single emote, that I thought it’d be a shame to give up now. I was at rank 99, millimeters away from reaching Rank 100. There was no reason for me to give up now, considering the emote was the main thing that had dragged me into this grind. There were only a few days left of Season of the Risen, so this was basically my last chance.

On the flip side, thanks to buying Season of the Risen, I have a good bit of silver I can put towards my next season pass. So I will technically will only spend €5 on whatever Destiny 2 comes up with next. I assume I’ll enjoy the season pass a lot more, now that I’ll have plenty of time to complete it.