Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 10
Oh no. The Fairy gym. I’ve been dreading this one. Mostly because I really don’t like fairy types. Never had a good time fighting them, especially in Pokemon GO. In Pokemon Shield, I haven’t really fought many fairy types, but my current party hasn’t really prepared for a whole team of fairies. In my earlier gym matches, I’ve found myself running out of super-effective Pokemon moves, and I solved the problem in the Ghost gym by having three dark types and dark moves on my other Pokemon. I intended to do the exact same thing with poison and steel types.
Small problem, the only reliable poison type I have is Salazzle. So I went and caught a Rookidee, and was randomly given a Toxel egg. My bright idea was to get myself a Corviknight and a Toxtricity to fight alongside my Salazzle, while giving Tim the Tympole Seismitoad a poison move as well.
It took AGES to level up my Rookidee and Toxel. While leveling them up, Grohl the Rillaboom and Charm the Salazzle (I changed her name from Harem because it was kinda meh) were getting a lot of experience too. To the point that they hit level 40. I did nothing but kill Sneasels for about an hour and a half using Salazzle’s Fire Lash, and slowly leveled up my steel birdy by murdering Machops and Tyrogues. Luckily, Toxel evolves at level 30, but Corviknight requires level 38.

Eventually, I had my desired Steel and Poison types, and set off for Balloonlea, where the fairy gym is located. I got there via a msuhroom cave called Glimwood Tangle, which I entered via Stow-on-Side. Glimwood Tangle and Balloonlea are actually genuinely very pretty areas but kinda lack a place to explore.
The Fairy Gym is a bit different from other gyms. All her staff wear pink, mint and purple and are older women. Before I can fight Opal the gym leader though, I need to battle three fairy assistants, while also answering random questions that are thrown at me. Frankly, the questions were piss easy. I got all of the questions right… for now.

Then I go and face Opal herself. She’s already waiting for me in the arena. Turns out, Opal asks me questions as well, but these are trick questions. After all, you’re not supposed to ask a woman her age. But I only tripped on one question: what is Opal’s favourite colour. Apparently no, it’s not pink.
Anyway, time for the actual battle and I realize I didn’t reorder my team. I end up throwing Grohl out against a GALARIAN WEEZING! It’s such a dapper Pokemon! I can’t help but squee a little bit. I continue to squee even as the Weezing uses a poison move against my Rillaboom. It thankfully only does a third of Grohl’s health, and Grohl’s own attack actually does a third of Weezing’s health as well.
I’ll be honest, I was still worried when going into this battle. But the Weezing only taking a third of my Rillaboom’s health made me realize that I’d kinda… over-levelled my Pokemon. Rillaboom was a full 8 levels above the Weezing. So was Charm the Salazzle. Charm managed to wipe out two Pokemon on her own before I switched her out for my young and fresh Toxtricity. And even against my Toxtricity, Opal’s Pokemon didn’t fare too well.

Rather nicely, I’ve also figured out that these gym leaders always Dynamax their last Pokemon. So I managed to nearly nuke Opal’s Alcreamie, which Dynamaxed into some sort of large cake. I thought my Toxtricity would also look different, but I might just need to level it up more.
Either way, I win and I receive a badge.

Opal is a nice old woman. After her defeat, she offers to walk back to Hammerlocke with me. I like that, someone different. Of course I immediately run into Bede as I run through Hammerlocke, but this time Opal is here to help. She’s amazed by the amount of pink that Bede wears, and offers him a job working for her. Bede seems happy about this, and they both leave.
As for me, I’m on my way to Circhester for the next gym battle. Time to power-level myself some more, I guess.
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 <- You are here
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21