Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 15
So here we are, at the magnificent city of Wyndon!
Or at least, we would be, had the train not dumped us off at the bottom of a massive, snowy hill. There are hikers and business men scattered around, as well as some pretty high level Pokemon. To get to Wyndon proper, we have to climb this massive hill. Seriously, this walk is so weird. Mostly because I’m playing as a ten year old wearing a skirt.
You know what makes matters worse though? There are a TON of people on this route for us to battle. And I’m not just talking about the wild Glalies that are hiding in the grass. Although they are quite annoying. Seriously, there’s a lot going on here.

Once you get to the top of the hill though, we can see Wyndon in all its glory. I say that, it’s not a particularly large place. I kinda expected more. There’s a nice hotel and a rose-shaped stadium, made to please Rose himself, I guess. All I have to do now is sign up for the semi-finals and, to my surprise, it really does throw you in at the deep end. We’ve reached Wyndon so early that Hop is the first person registered for these semi-finals.
Before I do that though, I want to train my Pokemon a bit more. I think they’ll need it. Why? Because Raihan, the last gym leader I beat to get to Wyndon, suggested that I should. So that is what I am going to do…
Not that I needed to. I had to fight both Hop and Marnie to reach the finals and the fights were pretty glorious.
Marnie is probably the toughest trainer I’ve fought so far, and she has a nice, rounded team. Maybe a bit too heavy on the dark side of things, but she did at least manage to KO one of my Pokemon. Horny the Rhydon was low on health, so of course a Gigantamax’d Grimmsnarl managed to beat him. But my Dynamaxed Shiinotic finished off the Grimmsnarl. I wasn’t worried at all about this fight, aside from maybe potentially the Morpeko defeating my Rhydon. But we came out of the fight unscathed.
However, that was just part one of the semi-finals. I had a second challenger to fight: my best buddy Hop.
Hop’s fight was even shorter. It just so happened that I had a counter for pretty much all his Pokemon. I also actually got to use Thwack the Machoke for the very first time in a proper match. He got hit by Heavy Slam twice, before punching the shit out of a poor Snorlax. I also remembered to Dynamax on my last Pokemon, and Hop did the same thing. Unfortunately, the spectacle was brief as my Dynamaxed Grohl the Rillaboom utterly vaporized Hop’s poor Inteleon. In hindsight, I should have let him defeat maybe one of my Pokemon,. I actually felt bad that I had perfect counters for everything on Hop’s team, including his poor Wooloo.

As we exit the stadium, we run into Leon, who is super proud of both of us. He offers us dinner at a fancy hotel and a place to relax before we head into the finals tomorrow. So Hop and I head to the hotel, chill out for a bit and wait for Leon. We get a bit sidetracked by all the people following us around, and many were congratulating me. At least we can relax at the hotel while we wait for Leon.

But for some reason, Leon never turns up…
Something fishy is going on…
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15 <- You are here
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21