Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 16
Leon’s been gone for way too long. To the point that even I’m worried about him. Sure, the guy gets lost occasionally, but his Charizard always seems to get him back on track. Plus, this is Wyndon and there’s only one massive 5* hotel here. So it’s pretty hard to get lost.
Clearly, something is going on. And Hop understandably wants to find his big brother.
However, we’re told to stay put. And being the good 10 year old kids we are, we completely ignore that request and rush off to find Leon. Who is apparently at a meeting with Chairman Rose. Rose’s assistant has brought along a ton of staff to keep things in check, but we escape anyway. Luckily we have an idea where they are, but we’ve got to find a key first to gain access to the monorail. And for some reason, it’s a game of hide and seek, with Pokemon battles thrown in. Giving us a hand are Team Yell of all people, with their bosses Piers and Marnie
Once we have the key, we rush to the train station, where more of Rose’s staff are blocking the path. Piers again helps us out, by doing a quick performance in the middle of the train station, allowing us to slip by.

Once we’re at Rose Tower, we have to climb it. For reasons beyond my 10 year old understanding, Rose Tower is insanely tall and has converted its lift into a Pokemon battle arena, where only the floor moves, not the walls or ceiling. And in this lift, we end up facing more grunts. It quickly becomes clear that Macro Cosmos’s employees all use Steel types. Which is great for me and my fire-based Charm the Salazzle. Not so great for Grohl the Rillaboom, but he’s of a high enough level to tank these blows.
We do a bunch of these double battles as we ascend the tower. However, the fights are pitifully easy. Finally, we get to the top and are immediately challenged by Oleana, Rose’s personal assistant. And boy is she pissed off at us. She has a bit of an evil aura about her, which I picked up on literally the first time I saw her.

It doesn’t take long to beat Oleana though. And, just like every other character with Dynamax experience, she Dynamax’s her last Pokemon. It’s a tough fight, at least slightly more so than normal, but I still beat her. Bonus Points to Horny the Rhydon who survives a Max Quake with 9 health left.
Once we get past her though, we just… see Leon and Chairman Rose talking. I know this game is for children, but the conversation doesn’t make much sense. Rose has some sort of plan for the Galar region slowly running out of money in the next thousand years, but Leon’s like, “why do we have to do this today?” Frankly, while I am one to get things done fast, even I would let Leon just go and do his Champion stuff beforehand. After all, tomorrow is the finals for the Championship, and Leon just wants to get that out of the way before dealing with Rose’s plan.
Luckily, Hop and I are a distraction, and Leon’s all like “just wait a day and then I’ll help you”. Because a day and a thousand years in the future are very different amounts of time. Rose just sighs and lets us all go, and we all go get takeout, as promised.
I actually really liked this diversion. There was something substantial there, and we got some character growth from everyone. We had Team Yell being useful, Piers, Marnie’s older sibling, helping Hop to find his own sibling and we had some short, quick, decisive Pokemon battles. This is actually the exact sort of story I wanted to see more of, but it’s all mostly been covered up by the gym challenges, with the cool things happening off-screen. Here, we got to be part of the action, and it was nice.
Frankly the whole game could do more of this.

All that being said, we could have probably just called Leon on the phone. After all, we all have Rotom phones.
Either way, something is going to happen. I have no idea what, but Rose makes it obvious that he’s about to do something dumb.

Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16 <- You are here
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21