Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 18
Okay! It’s finally time! Time to challenge Leon, the Champion! We’re both out on the pitch, Leon is giving me a speech about how awesome this fight will be, and the hype is real! Chairman Rose is oddly missing in person, but don’t worry, he’s on the big screen with a message for us!
Yep, Chairman Rose just kick-started the apocalypse. The Darkest Day is back, because Rose was worried that we’d run out of energy some time in the next thousand years. And as if on cue, massive plumes of Dynamax energy are exploding across Galar, the biggest coming from Hammerlocke. Leon, being the Champion, bids us farewell and chases after Rose, to try and save the day.

Hop and I on the other hand, we go looking for dogs. After all, this is the Darkest Day, and apparently the previous Darkest Day had two heroes who fought together to save Galar. In fact, we go back to the scary misty place where we first saw a weird dog Pokemon, where Sonia gives us some extra revives. In fact, we push forth and find ourselves at a grave for the two dogs. Hop takes a sword relic, I take a shield relic and we both rush off to Hammerlocke to help Leon.
Before we find Leon, Oleana, Rose’s assistant, begs us to go down and save Chairman Rose. Turns out though, he’s absolutely fine and wants us all to fuck off. So, of course, we challenge him to a battle. Because this is the Pokemon universe, and 10 year old kids do this all the time. In fact, the fight actually goes really well for me. Charm the Salazzle defeats Rose’s first four Pokemon (Escavalier, Klinklang, Perrserker amd Ferrothorn), only to be knocked out by an earthquake by a Gigantamax Copperajah. Luckily, Horny is on standby and defeats the Copperajah with an earthquake of its own.

With Rose defeated, he smirks and says there’s not much else to do. Eternatus is already out there, creating too much power, mostly because Rose had been feeding Eternatus a steady diet of shiny rocks. There’s not much else we can do, so Hop and I rush off again to find Leon, who seems really beat up. It’s only Leon and his Charizard left, and the plan is to catch Eternatus as soon as possible, so we can seal it away.
The plan doesn’t work, and Leon gets knocked out. Massive kudos to Leon’s Charizard though, it immediately leaped over to protect us as Eternatus exploded from Leon’s Pokeball, then proceeded to pull Leon to safety. That’s one good not-a-dragon Pokemon.

Now though, it’s all up to me and Hop. At first, we can’t do anything, Eternatus has hacks on and won’t let us attack. So we hold the sword and shield relics and suddenly their respective Pokemon come along to help save the day. Between me, Hop and the two legendary dogs, we end up with a 4v1 battle. And, because I know Eternatus is part Poison, I bring out Horny the Rhydon…
Well, that turned out to be a massive mistake, since 3/4 of Rhydon’s moves would also hit my allies. So I end up switching to Aaby the Lapras, and slowly using Ice Beam to take Eternatus down. Hop is also being somewhat useful as well. While his Dubwool dies fast, he comes back with a Snorlax and is genuinely doing super-effective damage to Eternatus. Of course, the two doggos also fight back. Zacian in particular keeps on trying to buff us, only for Eternatus to immediately reset all stat increases and decreases. Zacian also faints because Poison is super effective against it. Luckily, Hop and I do manage to beat Eternatus, and I catch him in a massive Pokeball.

So, uh, I now own a potentially reality-destroying monster. And it now lives inside a Pokeball. Eternatus needs to be punished for all his destruction, so I have left him inside Box 31, so he can have a time out and think about what he did wrong. Turns out that Chairman Rose also turned himself in, realizing he had been a fucking idiot.
Anyway, time to fight Leon now! For reals this time…
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18 <- You are here
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21