Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 19
It’s finally happening. I’m finally, finally going to face Leon. And blimey, the crowd is intense. This is going to be one hell of a fight. Especially since I have no idea what team Leon has built for me to fight against. I’m actually kinda nervous.

After Leon spews out a powerful (but silent) speech about how amazing this challenge is, he finally starts the battle, summoning his first Pokemon, Aegislash. I do the same, summoning my Salazzle, Charm. Charm swiftly beats Aegislash after its second King’s Shield fails, succumbing to Flamethrower and dying in one hit.
Leon’s next Pokemon though is a real worry. Haxorus knows Poison Jab, which instantly kills Snore the Shiinotic. Aaby the Lapras doesn’t fair much better, getting caught in a chain of Dragon Outrages. Since Lapras is slower than Haxorus, she lacks the chance to throw off a third Ice Beam to properly kill Haxorus, then faints. Outrage is a tough move, especially as Lapras has no resistance to Dragon types, despite being an ice type.
Grohl the Rillaboom takes to the stage and finishes off Haxorus, but only with Dynamax, since I doubt a normal grass move would do much. His Dynamax leaves grass across the arena, healing everyone slightly with every turn. Grohl then handily defeats Seismitoad, and I kinds wish I’d brought my own Seismitoad. A nice, one hit kill with Drum Beating and the Seismitoad is gone.
Up next is Cinderace, and I immediately swap Grohl out for Horny the Rhydon, wasting the rest of my Dynamax in the process. But I have little choice but to swap out, because Cinderace would easily destroy Grohl. What’s weird though is that my Rhydon’s Earthquake seems to do barely any damage. It does about 1/4 of Cinderace’s health, despite being a super-effective move. So we kinda end up locked in doing the same two moves at each other. Cinderace does nothing but spam Pyroball, while I keep on trying Bulldoze. Earthquake and Smackdown, all of which hardly to anything to Cinderace.
Then, at the same time, both me and Leon heal our Pokemon with a max potion. Next round, I use Earthquake and then, suddenly, Cinderace dies in one hit.
I next have to face a Dragapult. Grol remains in since both my dragon-dealers are fainted. Amazingly, Grohl survives two Flamethrowers and takes Dragapult out with just a slither of health left.
But now Leon is down to his last Pokemon. His Charizard. Which he immediately Gigantamaxes. I could switch Pokemon here, but I decide to instead do something risky. No matter what, Grohl is probably going to faint, so instead of healing him, I use a Max Revive to revitalize Aaby the Lapras. Which I originally planned to use after Horny.

However, as Charizard annihilates Grohl the Rillaboom, I worry. I was going to switch out for Rhydon, but Charizard used a flying move, which meant that it’d be super effective against Horny the Rhydon as well as just Grohl. But I press the wrong button and throw in Salazzle. This is fine by me, because Salazzle does live long enough to force Charizard to un-Gigantamax itself, and I’m left with a normal Charizard. Then Charizard gets a crit and kills Salazzle. Doesn’t really matter, Salazzle did her job, and I have three more Pokemon, two of which are strong against fire types.
So I go for Aaby, bringing her back into battle. Sure, ice is weak to fire, but Lapras’s water typing means it probably won’t hurt as much as it would for Rhydon. And with a single Hydro Pump, that’s it, game over for Leon. Charizard faints and Leon realizes he’s lost.

Somehow, Thwack the Machoke comes out of the event completely untouched. Or used. I kinda really expected that there would be something worth punching, but no, anything that did need punching got flamethrowered by Salazzle.
But yeah, that’s it, we won! We are the new champions of Galar! Leon is still shocked and hides his pain pretty well. It’s definitely pain and embarrassment which he is hiding with his hat. He then goes on a massive tirade of saying how awesome everything is and how awesome I am. After all, I beat all the gyms, I caught Eternatus, and now I’ve beaten the ‘unbeatable’ champion himself. And, if my maths is correct, I’ve only ever lost one single battle, the forced battle against Zamazenta at the very start of Pokemon Shield.

The question is, now that I’m the champion, what do I do next?
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19 <- You are here
Part 20
Part 21