Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 20
So I’m the champion now, and most people recognize me as such. But for reasons I can’t explain, there are these two dorks that are doing stupid shit with Dynamax, trying to prove some bullshit about the two Legendary Pokemon who helped on the Darkest Day. And it all starts when I go and see the grave of said Pokemon. I end up running into Hop, who has the sword relic, while I have my shield relic. We have a quick battle (which Hop loses) but are interrupted by Sonia and two assholes.
Seriously, these guys are massive twunts. They demand we hand over the relics, and one of them manages to grab the sword relic from Hop. Hop is genuinely struggling with his many losses lately, and the twunts take advantage of that. They run away, and Hop tries to chase after them, while Sonia and I head back to her lab for whatever reason.
Suddenly, there are massive energy spikes in our area. Each of the gyms are having problems with randomly Dynamaxing Pokemon. After the first gym we help at, the grass gym, those two twunts come back and say they’re behind the random dynamaxing. Because, well, they’re assholes who claim to be nobility and hate Sonia’s book about the history of Galar.

While the twats run away again, we are joined by Piers, who has passed down being a gym leader to his sister Marnie, and has some free time on his hands. We rush to each of the other gyms to try and stop the Dynamaxed Pokemon. Well, most of them. Bede, now the Fairy gym leader, doesn’t need our help but challenges me to a fight, since I’m the champion.
He loses. Again. To my Salazzle. Despite half his team being psychic types.
Somewhere along the line (I forget when exactly), we go to the Pokemon Lab, where we find out that 1. there is a reason why their Pokemon keep on dying (they’re all steel types) and 2. Sonia’s assistant is a traitor and steals all the wishing stars from Sonia while the twunts act as a distraction.

Anyway, aside from Bede, everything goes well. But I appear to do the gyms not in the right order, as I find Sonia trying to open a locked door in Hammerlocke. I leave her to it and finish the other gyms, then come back to her. Sonia still hasn’t opened the door, but her Yamper manages to open it via the power of a black screen. We all rush inside where one of the twunts has a crowd and is acting as a distraction.
I beat the crap out of the shield guy, then we all race upstairs to find that Zacian is trying very, very hard not to dynamax and kill everyone. We quickly battle the angry doggo to disperse some energy, but even after he’s beaten, Zacian still fights back. At this point, Zamazenta protects us from Zacian, who flees in a bout of panic. Hop decides to chase after him, taking the sword relic with him, while everyone else agrees I must be royalty or something.

Zamazenta then turns to me and offers to battle me so I can catch it in a Pokeball.
I kid you not, 1hp and 20 Ultra Balls later and Zamazenta was still standing. So I gave in and used my Master Ball on Zamazenta. I then booted Eternatus out of my party so Zamazenta can be on my team. I’ve already got a better poison type anyway.
With the chaos calming down, Piers getting bored of helping us and the two assholes being arrested, I then rush off to find Hop. Thankfully, he calls us and tells us where he is. Sonia and I rush all the way back to the Silent Hill part of Galar, where Hop is calming Zacian down with just his words.
Somehow, amazingly, Hop manages to convince the angry legendary Pokemon to calm down, and Zacian lets Hop catch him. The kid needed a massive morale boost, and this is it.

Now Hop wants to challenge me again. But I need a break, and half my team’s dead because of Zamazenta. Just let me get back to town and heal my Pokemon, and I’ll come fight you in a bit. Cool? Cool.
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20 <- You are here
Part 21