Five Reasons Why You Should be doing Legends of the Veil

The Legend of the Veil is a voyage you can pick up from the Athena’s Fortune Hideout, for Pirate Legends only*. In it, you speak to the Pirate Lord and he bumbles on about how powerful this artifact is and that he’s gone and lost it. Your crew has to find three small, green Veil Stones in order to reactivate the Veil of the Ancients. Apparently, the Veil of the Ancients can open and close portals between the Sea of Thieves and the Sea of the Damned, as well as breaking the barriers between the two worlds.

*Just the person picking up the voyage needs to be a Pirate Legend. Any non-Pirate Legends in the crew can tag along, they just can’t pick the voyage themselves.

That all sounds pretty bad, but the Legend of the Veil is in fact a damn good voyage. Here’s why.

A little randomized so it’s not tedious

What I really like is that the Legend of the Veil has a bit of everything. There’s exploring to do, puzzles to solve, enemies to fight and ships to sink. While the last part of the voyage is always the same, the first two chapters are randomized. These are not the same every time, and give the voyage a little bit of help in making it more interesting.

When you’re grinding out 50 completed voyages, the randomized chapters do help to make things a bit easier. Unless it involves too much Sudds.

A Cool Sea Battle

The third and final chapter of the Legend of the Veil has you attacking an army of ghost ships and bases, all on your own. Between the dark skies and the green glow, chapter 3 really does feel like the end of the world. Ghost ships spawn infinitely until you destroy the three small garrisons and then the massive garrison in the middle of the battle. Everything is a ghostly green. It’s easy to get overrun by the ghost ships, even if they do only take three hits to kill. You have to circle around and make sure you destroy everything.

But suddenly, as that last part of the garrison falls, everything explodes and turns back to normal, revealing more familiar blue skies.

Great Money and Loot

Of course, none of this would be worth doing if we didn’t get any loot. The Legend of the Veil rewards some of the best chests in the game, as well as Athena-based treasures, often coloured purple and way more valuable than their non-purple counterparts. There are other chests and loot to be had as well, but the Athena-based stuff is definitely the best.

The only concern is that of the Pirate Lord. He’s a clumsy fellow. Are we really just going to entrust him with the now-completed Veil, which is worth way, way more than all our loot? Well, in-game, we have no choice, he takes the Veil away when we’re done. But at least he doesn’t touch any of the loot. That’s all ours for the taking.

Almost Guaranteed Rank 5!

In doing Legend of the Veil voyages, I can count on one hand the amount of times that we haven’t made it to Rank 5 with the emissary. And the few times that has happened, all we’ve had to do is stick some treasure on our ship. Compared to other emissary flags though, doing one voyage is in fact a very quick way of getting to rank 5 in the first place.

Perfect for leveling up Athena’s Fortune

Athena’s Fortune is one of the harder factions to rank up. Unlike other factions, Athena’s Fortune only has 30 levels total, and that was recently increased from 20. The grind is a lot longer than most, and you need to be a Pirate Legend to access Athena’s Fortune stuff on your own.

It’s fun.

My final, bonus reason to play Legend of the Veil voyages is that it’s actually a lot of fun. On the flip side though, to get everything, you have to repeat this voyage A LOT. So I’d recommend taking a break occasionally. Then again, this applies to anything repeatable…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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