The Five Most Annoying Little Things in Pokemon GO
There’s a lot of both good and bad in Pokemon GO. Sometimes the game works fine, and sometimes your raid pass gets eaten and you need to speak to support. But there are some little things that can really ruin your day, just by being really annoying. Here are five Pokemon GO things we all find annoying as heck.

Tapping the wrong Pokemon
Imagine this: a big event with hundreds of spawns. You’re using Incense and Lures too. Suddenly you see a Deino wedged between a Pansear and a Nosepass. No matter what you do, you just can’t tap on the Deino. Those other Pokemon are in the way! What’s worse is that that Deino is a spawn from your Incense, and it will swiftly de-spawn. Just as you catch that damn Nosepass blocking your way, the Deino disappears in a puff of smoke.
Unfortunately, this is actually quite a common event. And some places are like this all the time. While Pokemon won’t instantly despawn like with Incense, it’s still tedious, having to catch Pokemon that you don’t want, so you can get to the one you DO want. There’s not even much you can even do about it. Zooming in and finding a new angle can help a little, but often I find I just have to catch the intruding Pokemon ton get the one I want.
Taking forever to load when tapping on a Pokemon, Gym or Pokestop
Sometimes, you tap on something and nothiit takes forever for the game to catch up. You’re left sitting there, looking at your screen, waiting for something to happen. If you’re lucky, the UI will continue to work and the game will sort itself out. You just need to be patient. Although that Pokemon you tapped on which caused the issue is probably gone now.
There are times though that you need to restart the entire game, because your UI is completely gone. Sometimes I find that my device can recover from this, but it’s often easier to just restart the whole game, rather than waiting for the game to catch up.
Being stuck with a recommended party in raids
The recommended Pokemon in the pre-raid-boss screen are always terrible. Not only does it always want to include Aggron, but what the game suggests can be laughably bad. What makes matters worse though is trying to switch to your pre-made parties, full of actually useful Pokemon. I’ve found that either you end up zooming past the team you want, or you find that sweeping left and right does nothing. Thus leaving you stuck with the wrong team.
Wasting time tapping through different screens
And then we get to the UI itself. Pokemon GO’s user interface is slow and clunky, and requires a lot of tapping past various screens. After defeating a Team Rocket Grunt, for example, you need to tap past the You Win scene, the New Component and total Components screens, then there’s a page showing you stats, before you finally get the chance to rescue the Pokemon. Pretty much everything has extra screens and slides that you have to tap through to continue.
However, these long, drawn out screens do have some sort of use. They hide what’s going on in the background. They’re buffers for the rest of the game to properly load. All those screens from the Team Rocket example hide the fact that the Pokemon catch screen is loading.
Accidentally dropping Pokeballs
I do this all the time. I’m not sure what actually causes it, but it’s not always my fault. Occasionally, your “grip” on a Pokeball suddenly drops, causing the ball to fall out of your hand and be wasted. It’s even worse on Legendary Pokemon because you have limited balls to catch them. And it’s even, even worse when you have a small, jumpy Pokemon who refuses to catch or stay put. I’m talking about you, Latias.
However, this all just leads to the biggest annoyance of them all: watching a Legendary Pokemon flee. Nothing hurts more than losing a Legendary Pokemon…