Pokemon GO’s most useless Legendary and Mythical Pokemon
When you encounter and catch a Legendary Pokemon, you assume that it will be a powerhouse, doing lots of damage, carving out its own niche or just all-round very good. Unfortunately though, in the world of Pokemon GO, things don’t always work out. Because Pokemon GO’s system is a tad different, Attack and Defense stats are rolled into one, and Speed simply isn’t a stat at all. Because of this and how Pokemon attacks work, way too many Pokemon end up being a mess. And this doubly applies to legendary Pokemon.
We start with one of my favourite legendary Pokemon. Xerneas is supposed to be THE fairy type, a Fairy Pokemon that has a passive that buffs Fairy type moves, what’s there not to love? Well in Pokemon Go, we don’t have abilities, and we don’t have many Fairy moves. In fact, the only Fairy fast move we have is Charm, which Xerneas doesn’t learn. Instead, Xerneas learns two of the worst fast moves in Pokemon GO: Tackle and Zen Headbutt. This leaves Xerneas completely dead in the water.
I love the Shield Doggo. In fact, I plan to walk one. However, in its current state, Zamazenta doesn’t have great moves. Meanwhile its best bud Zacian has been causing havoc all over the place in the GBL. Why is this? Well, Zacian is a Fairy type and has some nice moves. Zamazenta on the other hand has ONE fighting move. And not even a good one. Close Combat takes too long to charge up. Unfortunately, this means that Zamazenta will be useless. At least until it get its cool, metal-including form. But even then, Zamazenta lies more on its Steel attacks than its Fighting attacks.

Most of Deoxys
I’ve mentioned Deoxys a lot in the blast week or so, but that’s mostly because Deoxys is 1. unique, 2. a Mythical Pokemon and 3. has been in raids for the last week or so. Mostly as part of the Psychic event. Attack form Deoxys is a massive glass cannon and normal Deoxys doesn’t have anything interesting about it. Speed Form is absolutely screwed over because Speed isn’t a stat in Pokemon GO. So it just sits awkwardly between Attack and Normal Deoxys.
In fact, the only Deoxys people seem to care about is Defense Form Deoxys. Its bulk is so great that it works really well in the Great League.
It’s not that Deoxys is bad. The problem is that Mewtwo exists. And all Psychic types tend to bow down to Mewtwo.
Kyurem somehow manages to be bad in multiple ways. It is SUPPOSED to fuse with either Zekrom or Reshiram, and it’s an ice-type Dragon which should have good moves. Except Kyurem doesn’t either of those in Pokemon GO. While Kyurem has an ice charge attack, it lacks a fast ice move.
At some point, we may be able to get White and Black Kyurems, but it’s possible that they’ll just be released the same way Giratina was – as separate Pokemon all on their own. While we are slowly getting more Pokemon with Form Changes, I doubt Kyurem will get one in a long time.
Virizion and Cobalion
These two are quite unlucky. Even Sacred Sword doesn’t really save them. I think in the case of these two, it’s not just moves but bad typing. Having a double weakness to Flying and being weak to Fighting while also being a Fighting type really just don’t work well. And we have much better Grass and Steel types already. So these two just… don’t do anything.
Terrakion only just manages to sneak through though, working as a pretty good rock-type. Not the best, nowhere close to top Pokemon Rampardos and Rhyperior, but definitely a step ahead of its worse-typed siblings, thanks to having actually good moves. Smack Down and Rock Slide are both potent moves, and Terrakion does have the power to pull it off.
Editor’s note: Now these guys have Sacred Sword, they are a lot better. Virizion and Cobalion are spice picks in PvP. With the new fast move Double Kick, Terrakion has actually ended up becoming one of the best fighting types around. It goes to show what a decent fast move can do to a Pokemon. Terrakion is also an alright rock type, but Rampardos and Rhyperior still outpace it.
Suicune’s yet another Pokemon that gets screwed over by its moves. Funnily enough, Suicune could be a bulky water type Pokemon, great for the Great Battle League. After all, good defense goes a long way in the GBL. But Suicune lacks a fast water move, the same problem that Xerneas has.

The last Pokemon on this list is Celebi. But Celebi is here not just because it’s not very good, but because shiny Celebi is a thing that exists. Everyone knows that shiny Pokemon are better than non-shiny Pokemon. Right? And shiny Mythical Pokemon have to be better, right?
Either way, Celebi just kinda sucks, even if it has time powers. Really we should leave it alone, before it screws anything up.
U need to change this up to date virizion and terrakion are meta now especially virizion with the new move sacred sword
Cheers mate, I’ve updated it.