A Gigalithic Community Day
Another month, another community day. However this community day is a bit of a surprise, because no one really expected Roggenrola to be the chosen Pokemon. Especially in the middle of an event filled with Steel-type Pokemon. In this community day, it ran from 2pm until 5pm, allowing you to evolve a Boldore into a Gigalith to learn Meteor Beam. And, of course, it had a much higher chance of being a shiny. It’s an… unusual choice of Pokemon.
Not the best but usable at least
Sadly, even with Meteor Beam, Gigalith isn’t that amazing. Rhyperior, Rampardos and Terrakion are all better choices, but Gigalith does beat Smack Down Tyranitar. That being said, if you don’t have a full party of Rhyperiors, Gigalith can back up the rest of your party. It’ll do the job fine if you’re using it in raids. In PvP though, there are better choices. And because of how common fighting types are, Gigalith isn’t a great pick in the current meta.
Oddly enough though, it turns out that Meteor Beam could actually work better on different Pokemon. They just happen to have better stats. And it turns out that, in the main games, a LOT of Pokemon can learn Meteor Beam. It’s a move you can get from a Move Tutor, learned by the likes of most fossil Pokemon, a good chunk of legendaries (like Rayquaza and Necrozma) AND our old buddies Metagross and Rhyperior. But frankly, those two already have the best moves.

However, even if the move and the Pokemon aren’t amazing, the Gigalith family consists of three REALLY COOL shinies. They go from a rocky blue with rather featureless red lumps, into this amazing purple colour. And the turquoise gems are to die for. It’s genuinely one of the better shinies out there.
Double candy works well with increased candy based on throws
Funnily enough we got two bonuses for this community day. Not only did we have 1/4 egg-hatching distance, but we also had double candy. On top of that though, we also have the bonuses for the Test Your Mettle event. The big bonus is an increased chance to get XL candy and getting extra candy based on your throws. So if you pinap a Roggenrola and get an excellent throw on it, you can get 12 candy. Roggenrola is a bit tricky when it comes to excellent throws, but great throws are pretty easy to do.
That being said, that candy was definitely required. To evolve a Gigalith, if you can’t trade one, it costs 250 candy. Way, way more than other Pokemon that evolve for free after trading. The first evolution from Roggenrola to Boldore costs 50 candy, and you can either trade it with someone to make the evolution from Boldore to Gigalith cost 0 candy. Or, if you don’t want to trade, you need 200 candy. I don’t blame people for not wanting to trade but the likes of Machamp and Gengar (oh look, those two again) either cost 100 to evolve untraded. Why is it so high on the non-Kanto trading Pokemon?
Nothing special
There’s not really much left to say about this community day. We got some nice bonuses and some shinies and that was pretty much it. But not every community day needs to be absolutely amazing like Deino day was. Still, I wish we had all those pandemic-based features. Incense is still useless, and community days are half the length they used to be. That’s the real shame here. Old community days seemed so much better than the ones we get now…