In what felt like a decade ago, I spent two and a half hours doing a Defection mission with my then rather busy little clan. Back then, I was a newbie, and my job was to play Trinity and spam healing. Otherwise the rest of the group and the Grineer defectors we were saving would all die. The Pacifism Defect was very tough, and pretty much every player in the clan pulled their own weight. The Tenno of Anarchy managed to reach the top 10% of clans, and we were rewarded with the Ignis Wraith blueprint, added directly to our clan’s Grineer research lab. That was our reward, being able to make extra Ignis Wraiths whenever we wanted to.

As the Pacifism Defect faded away into memory, people realized that the Ignis Wraith wasn’t traditionally available. If you were in 90% of all clans and had missed the Pacifism Defect event, then the only way you could get the Ignis Wraith was by being MR9 and trading one from a player whose clan was in the other 10% of clans.

You're supposed to use Excalibur to show off cosmetics but I don't have Excalibur. Pictured are the Ignis Wraith and full Harkonar Wraith set.
the Ignis Wraith and full Harkonar Wraith set.

Funnily enough, this is where we ended up with a split. A lot of players with access to the Ignis Wraith gave them away for free. After all, it’s a good weapon and it costs 15K credits to buy a blueprint. Something you can recoup with ease. On the other hand, some people were selling the Ignis Wraith blueprints for too much Platinum. As far as I was concerned, I didn’t like the idea of making someone pay for something that I basically got for free. So I would just ask for a random crap mod. I never liked the idea of selling them for platinum – selling one for 1-5 platinum was okay, I guess (at least as a thank you for the service), but anything above that was a rip-off.

Anyway, for years, this was the only way to get the Ignis Wraith blueprint. And a LOT of people did give them away for free. I’d put the blueprints in empty slots while trading, just for the sake of it. But that community split always lingered. It only got worse when Warframe came out on the Nintendo Switch. Anyone playing on the Switch had no way to obtain the Ignis Wraith, and anyone who transferred their account to the Switch had the Ignis Wraith blueprints taken away from them. The only way Switch players could get an Ignis Wraith was whenever Baro Ki’Teer brought them. And, honestly, Baro would really rip them off.

Later on, Ignis Wraith blueprints could be found in Railjack missions, but trading them was still the easiest way, unless you were on the Switch. However, all of this came to an end when the Veilbreaker update made the Ignis Wraith blueprint research available to all clans, regardless of what version they were playing on. The cost to research the blueprint is very high, but it is now much more easily accessible. Which, frankly, that’s how things should be.

Favourite Weapons - Ignis and Bramma
Favourite Weapons – Ignis and Bramma

Unfortunately, this does mean that the 30 Ignis Wraith blueprints in my inventory are kinda useless now. They’re completely untradeable and are sitting there taking up space. But thankfully the devs have altered the blueprint to sell for 15k credits. This means that anyone who, like me, carried some around to gift to other Tenno, can get their full credits back.

Basically, everyone wins! Well, except those who were selling the BPs for lots of platinum. But it’s an insignificant price to pay, so that everyone can have a cool flamethrower.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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