Medic Plays Definitely Not A Saints Row Game – Part 1
So we’re back here in Agents of Mayhem. You know, Definitely Not a Saints Row game. Despite all the purple. Anyway, with the tutorial out of the way, I’ve got a new mission to do and it involves unlocking a new character. Before I do that though, I have to go and see Gremlin, and there’s a Legion base I need to destroy.
Let’s start with the Legion base.
There are various Legion bases all over the map and I want to take them over and make them my own. Or, rather, make them into MAYHEM bases. This base in particular is at the top of a building and I need to take a lift to get up there. Once I do, it’s all simple: kill everyone, destroy some crap then hack the base and claim it as our own.
Once we’ve done that, we get a well done, then are immediately given a mission to go and meet with Gremlin. I’m not even sure why I’m meeting Gremlin at this little garage. I assume it’s so I can visit her later on if I need something and don’t want to return to the ARK. I have to set up 4 disruptor thingies before I can see her anyway.
With that all sorted, we can now do a special mission to unlock a new Agent.

A quick pause
Before I continue on with this next mission, there is kinda something that’s bothering me. And that’s how many loading screens and transitions there are. Loading screens are fine. I have to load an entire city, I get that. And I don’t have an amazing computer. But the transitions are… insanely common. To the point that they’re intrusive.
On the flip side, the animated cartoon segments are pretty cool. I like them a lot. It was probably cheaper than making in-game videos and stuff.
Time for Rama
We are now introduced to Rama, and will be playing as her for the next mission. My other three guys go and take a nap or something, while I shoot things with a cool bow. Rama is a thieve that constantly stole Legion tech to produce an antidote to heal her people, who were all suffering from a Legion-made plague. Quite a stark contrast compared to the other three characters we started with. Almost a little too serious, as it’s really out of place considering what I now have to do.
Basically, I hack and defend three locations, fight a new type of enemy, then hack a thing on the top of a building to claim victory. There was a miniboss up there but I kept it stun-locked with arrows.
After that, we’re given a reason for Rama to be here in Seoul, and we head back to the ARK. After a debriefing, I then go to pick another mission, I guess. I decide to do another Agent-based one for a guy called Yeti. I also replace Fortune with Rama, for a change of style.

I also unlocked a skin for Hollywood. Which I go and equip. Oh. Look. It’s a Saints Row reference. It’s Stilwater, with one L, bitches. But this isn’t a Saints Row game. And it’s just an optional skin.
Anyway, time to do some more quests. I feel like there’s a lot to do…