DeMarco – The Lost Son of the so-called Pirate Lord

I don’t normally dig too deep into  Sea of Thieves lore. The reason I’m even on the Sea of Thieves is because of treasure and guilt-free murder. But there is some background lore going on, and as we rush into season 8, things are really heating up. So, in order to keep up, I’ve been kinda looking at the lore and, well, it’s kinda sad. The basic premise of the Sea of Thieves is that a guy called Ramsey called himself the Pirate Lord, and he uses some artifacts to keep the Sea of Thieves separate from both the rest… [Continue Reading]

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Another Halo Infinite Postmortem

A year ago, I put my thoughts on Halo: Infinite’s surprise launch to paper. Today, I pull the trigger. When I drafted my initial impressions on Halo Infinite’s Multiplayer, fans had just jumped in. Hopes were high, as they always are– And conditions could hardly be more ideal for a revival. A year later, and we’ve begun to piece together just how much of a disaster development had been. While Halo games typically go from concept to shelves in three years, Infinite was in development for six. High staff turnover, conflicting visions, and the shift to remote work did the… [Continue Reading]

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Guzzlord (and other Pokemon) Raid Day

It’s been a while since we’ve had a raid day. Five free raid passes, some cool Pokemon in raids and the occasional chance to grab a shiny. Well, I say that, but the Ultra Beast raid day didn’t have shiny Pokemon at all. It had a lot of different Pokemon. The main bunch of Ultra Beasts were out and attacking every gym they could find. We got all the Ultra Beasts aside from Stakatakka, Blacephalon Poiple and Naganadel, who I assume were all busy making pancakes at home or something. They’re going to need those pancakes because… Guzzlord everywhere In… [Continue Reading]

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Where are our Pokemon stats?

While kicking some Mystic fools out of a gym and making it yellow, I actually noticed something I normally skip over. On the versus screen, by each player’s name, is a line of text saying “Battles won”. For most of the Pokemon in that gym, the number was zero. However, for the Rhyperior I was using, he had been in and won 150 battles. A coincidentally round number. I finished the battle and then went back in to finish off a Teddiursa, and I noticed that the Rhyperior’s “battles won” stat had in fact gone up. This led me to… [Continue Reading]

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Sea of Thieves Season 8 Is the Best Update Ever

In the Sea of Thieves, there’s always been a bit of a struggle between people who want PvE and people who want PvP. In previous seasons, this has mostly been random. You can’t tell if someone wants a fight until you’re already in one. While the Battle Flag and playing as Reaper’s Bones emissaries is one way to show that you want to fight, you can’t guarantee that anyone wants to fight you back. Season 8 flips this all on its head. Finally, there is now a way to get a guaranteed fight with someone else who also wants a… [Continue Reading]

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Melmetal in Pokemon GO

Melmetal is a very curious Pokemon. It is a Mythical Pokemon but it’s also an evolved Pokemon. For a while, I underestimated how useful Melmetal could be, because he’s got a rather unusual pool of abilities, but only just works as a steel-type attacker. However, over the years, my opinion has changed greatly, and Melmetal is now one of my must-have Pokemon, having served me well and also having kicked a lot of ass Here are five reasons why you should get (and power up) a Melmetal. Easy-ish to obtain This sounds like a weird thing to say. After all,… [Continue Reading]

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Enchanters – Overlords – An Enchanting Board Game

Today, I’d like to chat about a board game I recently played. Thanks to my current situation, I now have access to a wall of board games that I’ve never even heard of, let alone never played before. I’ve mentioned games in the last, and today’s game is no different. And it’s definitely fun. Enchanters – Overlords, is a game about making enchanted items in order to get as many points as possible. You buy cards to make an enchanted item then use that item to kill monsters. Dead monsters give you points, and you want those to win. Simple… [Continue Reading]

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The Flow of Writing

Writing, at least, good writing, has a flow to it. A journey of words that twist around and trickle down, starting as a stream and slowly becoming a mighty river. Actually writing, creating your own words, stories and articles, is just like another river, one that also ebbs and flows. This river decides whether you continue downstream or if you get caught on some piece of junk that won’t ever biodegrade. I’ll be honest with you all. What I just wrote was a load of utter bollocks. There was no real flow, it made little sense and frankly my similies… [Continue Reading]

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Call of Cthulhu: My 5 Favorite Under-Used Skills

By far the toughest part of Call of Cthulhu is how few skillpoints it gives you. When every skill uses a percentile and you only get a couple-hundred points to allocate, it’s really difficult to excel at more than a few checks. This naturally leads to the most obviously-useful skills (Spot Hidden, Library Use, Firearms, Stealth) seeing massive use across the playerbase. But today I wanted to talk about some rarer skills that I’ve nonetheless found worth investing in. Many times they can save you skillpoints in other areas, or unlock niche-but-effective playstyles. You certainly can’t pick them all, but at… [Continue Reading]

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What If There Was A 5+ Ship in Sea of Thieves?

One of the downsides of Sea of Thieves is that it’s a sea. A wide open space with the odd ship bobbing on it. Normally, you’ll get like 4-6 ships in a single server, and it’s quite possible to spend all day sailing and only run into one other ship. At the same time, that one other ship you see is probably a coward running away from you, making things feel a whole lot emptier. Even running into the odd galleon that wants to murder you can also seem pretty empty once either you or the galleon has sunk. The… [Continue Reading]

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