Medic Plays Pokemon Violet – Part 11
The last thing that Miraidon needs is the ability to climb walls. Luckily, Miraidon can learn that if we go to Paldea’s massive lake, which is filled with level 50+ Pokemon. Really, I should be staying away from this place. After all, aside from Ringo, all my Pokemon are around level 40, with one of them being only level 35. But here I am, on an island in the middle of a sea, looking for a gigantic Pokemon that’s not there yet. Instead, I find myself battling a Tatsugiri that repeatedly says “Taitan”, giving away that it is in fact part of this battle.
I shouldn’t be doing this, but I’m going for it anyway.
All of a sudden, I am met with a gigantic Dondozo, some sort of large, whale-like creature. The good news is that it’s a water type. The bad news, it’s five levels higher than my highest Pokemon. That doesn’t stop Ringo the Meowscarada from defeating the Dondozo pretty quickly.
Unfortunately, the Dondozo flees, just like the other Titans all did. I find it on a much bigger island, smashing through a rock wall to eat some fancy herbs. I chase after it, and, right on time, Arven arrives. We actually manage to defeat the Dondozo pretty quickly again, mostly because Flower Trick is an overpowered move.
After the Dondozo faints, we then fight that Tatsugiri, which also considered itself a titan. Rather ironically, this fight takes longer, especially since it knows a bunch of ice moves, and Ringo hates ice attacks. Luckily, this weird pink Pokemon with a hammer that I caught on a whim is in fact, a fairy type (it’s pink, of course it’s a fairy type), and we finish off the Tatsugiri too.
With the titans defeated, we both head into the cave that the Dondozo made and, of course, we find the herba mystica. And, of course, our Pokemon take a bite as well. Here’s where the good bit starts: Arven’s best buddy Mabosstiff gets up and is back on its feet! Yay! I was concerned about the doggo, but the good boy is now active again. Oh and Miraidon learns how to climb walls. Which is neat.

Things change though as we leave the cave. I get a call from Professor Turo, asking Arven to take me to Turo’s lab so we can do something. This causes Arven to get angry, because Turo is his dad, and the first time they talk in a while, Arven is asked to escort me somewhere. I understand Arven’s anger. After all, it’s pretty sucky that your dad would call your friend and not you.
Anyway, we go to the lab and it’s all dark and kinda neglected. However, Professor Turo has a video call up and running, so we can talk to him. He needs the purple book, the book Arven was using to research into the herba mystica. And he wants us to take it to Area Zero, where the big crater is. Where Mabosstiff got hurt.
Before we go though, Arven is concerned that we aren’t ready and need some allies. To test if I’m ready, Arven actually battles me for the first time properly. This is where things go horribly wrong.
You know how I mentioned earlier that most of my Pokemon are around level 40? Well, Arven’s full team of six is level 60+. A full 20 levels ahead of me. While I do manage to take down three of Arven’s Pokemon, he ends up ruining my day by using Stealth Rock. So yeah, I get my ass handed to me.
Guess I gotta go and level up my team some more, I guess…